Bad blood - Chapter 27

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A/N: Happy new year to all of you. Sorry for the long wait. Thank you for reading and supporting my story xo.


I got a call from Clarissa today.

I wasn't sure if I should pick it up or not, but I still did.
I was expecting her to complain about where I am and why I'm still not in Manhattan, but instead she told me to come to Manhattan as soon as possible. She didn't state the reason, she just said it's urgent.

I can't say no to her in a situation like this. If it's urgent, I will pack my shit and go to her.

I've been driving for about an hour now. I'm already in Manhattan and a few minutes away from my house.
I asked Clarissa to stay in the house till I come, knowing damn well that if it's important then she will find a way to come to where I am. That's also one of the reasons why I had to leave daphne back at the hotel.

My sole purpose was to get daphne back and bring her back to Manhattan, but I'm not able to do that just yet. Not when Clarissa is around.

My phone rings and the notification pops up on my car screen. I tap to answer, instantly Clarissa's annoyed voice comes through.

'Anjel? Where the fuck are you? Did you even leave yet?' Her questions keep stacking on top of each other.
'I'm a few minutes away. What do you want?'
'Pelican won't let me leave the house. Tell him something or I will kill him!'

I told pelican to keep a good eye on Clarissa, just incase she does something dodgy. I was right into thinking she will do something. 'Just stay in the fucking house Clarissa, and don't let me repeat myself.' I hang up the call and press harder on the gas peddle.

A few minuets later, I finally arrive home. Once I enter my house I'm met with a annoyed Clarissa who's sitting on the couch with her legs crossed and one leg tapping on the marble floor.

She doesn't face me, even though she knows I'm present.

'What was so urgent that you had me come all the way from Staten Island?' My nose flares.

'You was with her wasn't you?' Her voice comes out low, but the anger is still there.

'I told you, she wasn't with me. I went there for business'
I lie.

'Don't Fucking lie to me, anjel!' She lifts herself up from the couch and marches up to me with a raise of her voice.

I look at her emotionless once she's inches away from me. Her breathing is fast and deep. If I left my angé back in Staten Island just for Clarissa's little tantrums then I will show Clarissa a side of me she has never seen before.

'TALK TO ME!' She throws a punch at my chest, but I don't flinch. This is one of the many outbursts of Clarissa.

'Is this what you call urgent?' I say in a calm tone.
I am in no need to argue with her. Every minute that i'm spending arguing with Clarissa is a minute lost where I could've spent with my angé.

' want to hear what's urgent do you!?' Clarissa waves her hands in the air as she laughs maliciously.
She nods continuously, like a crazy woman on crack.
'I'll show you what's urgent' her breathing becomes heavier as she takes her phone out from her pocket and types presses a phone number on her phone.
I watch her in way that makes me wonder why I'm even here to begin with. The number rings for a few times before a man answers. However, this is not just any man. It's someone I know and cut off years ago, and now he's back.

'Hello, Clarissa'

My fists squeeze into a ball.


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