Last chance - Chapter 35

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I lock the door the minuet I step inside my apartment.

I haven't felt this dizzy since highschool when I first got my period and I leaked all over the classroom chair.

I need a hot shower...definitely.

I never realised how bruised my hips are until I strip naked Infront of the mirror. The purple, blue and reds marked all over my skin makes it look like I've been hit by truck.

God damn you anjel.

I run my fingers across the bruises and press on it slightly. For some odd reason, every time I'm around this man, I get bruises. Either from someone associated with him or it's him.

After my hot shower, I go into bed and get cozy, not wanting to do anything but just stare at my room.
It's been happening often lately. Just me in bed, staring at my ceiling and thinking about life. It's starting to become the most peaceful moments in my life.

All that suddenly changes when my door bell rings.
Goosebumps rise all over my body. I don't usually have visitors, so I don't know who it could be.
A part of me is wondering if it's anjel...but he mentioned at the club that he will be on his way back to Manhattan today. Did he change his mind and come here? It is possible...

I groan as I lift myself off the bed and walk to the door.
I peek through the peephole of my door, expecting anjel to be there. I'm wrong into thinking it's anjel. Instead, it's my mother.

For the past year, she's been present in my life awfully a lot. It's funny considering how she refused to be anywhere near me years ago, even as a child.

I open the door and in walks my mom. Not even waiting to be invited in.

'Hello to you too' I roll my eyes as she walks past me and into the living room.
'I have no time for hellos, daphne.' Her tone is more serious than usual which intrigues me but I think I know where she is going with this conversation.
I close the door behind me before going over to the living room.

'I can tell' I reply back to her. Her face turns into an irritated image.
I cross my arms and nod my head, waiting for her to explain what this sudden visit from her is about.
'I need money'

There you have it ladies and gentlemen.
Am I surprised? No.

The only reason she decided to come back into my life is to use me as her bank. She just cashes out money from me like I'm stinking rich.

'I don't have what you're looking for...sorry' I say quick and simple. 'Yes, you do. I know you do' the nerve of her.
The audacity that she even has to come over to my place and demand money. Especially when I say I don't have it. Which is the truth. I don't have any money she can borrow. Or should I even say borrow? She never pays me back. She claims I should give it to her without expecting it back because I'm her daughter and she raised me.

Raised me in hell.

Nothing about her reminds me of a mother. She was gone half of the time, leaving me alone in the house with her eighteen year old cousin. On top of that, the abuse she inflicted on me as a kid has left permanent scars on me mentally for years. I still haven't recovered from some of them.

'I have no money. I'm barely surviving on my own and you want me to give you money?'

'You're just a lying fucking rat, I know you have money from the way you're selling yourself out in the clubs'

It's an instant reaction at this point. My jaw drops.
I've been called many things by her, but never a prostitute. This is something I can see her calling me often from now on.

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