My Angel - Chapter 36

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'I said no!' I slam my bedroom door shut behind me.

At this point it's like I'm playing a chase and catch game with anjel. He won't stop trying to persuade me to come to Manhattan. No matter how much I tell him no, he gives me multiple reasons to why I should go with him.

He must be a fool if he thinks I'll put myself through all that again. When did he become such a joker?

'Ange, I am not in any mood to play catch with you' I feel his presence from behind this door. Possessing every part of my personal space like a haunting spirit.

'Neither am I, so do us all a favour and leave!'
'Look, if you don't want me to break another door of yours, I suggest you open this door' his threats are actually working. I know for a fact that if I have another damage in this apartment, my landlord will kick me out, and not for the reason that I didn't pay my overdue rent on time.

'You break this door and I'll call the police' I threaten back. He thinks I don't know any way around him. He thought wrong. Living with him made me master his manipulation and threats in a way I never thought one was possible.

'Was that meant to scare me?' His deep chuckle skins down my throat as I gulp down my fear.
'Anjel, just please leave' at this point I have no other option but to just beg him. I sound stupid, but I have no choice. He won't leave if I say it calmly and he won't if I yell. My plan is to make him feel somewhat sorrowful, only with hopes that he listens and leaves.


My body relaxes at that one single word that just came from him. It was that simple?
I just busted my ass, yelling at this man, just for him to agree when I put myself in a pitying image?

He really is sick.

What type of degrading person do you need to be to listen to someone's favours when they beg you?

I hear his footsteps fade into the distance. I sigh from relief. Hoping that by the time the alarm in my head rings, it'll be safe to come out of this room and I'll see him no longer here.

I don't know why I'm acting like he's going to pick me up and forcefully take me to Manhattan. Not like it never happened...

A few minutes pass and I slowly open the door. The coast is clear. Relief!
I step outside of my room and walk to the kitchen. All this arguing and yelling...surely some coffee can help.

I take out my cup and boil some water in my English kettle. I don't know why kettles are not a big thing here, it's so much more useful.

'Can you make me some too?'
I jump onto my kitchen counter, screaming for dear life.

'ANJEL!? You didn't leave?' My voice shakes as I look at him laying on the sofa with so much comfort.
'Nah, since you don't want to come with me, I'll just sleepover here' this has got to be a joke....i think I'm hearing things wrong, maybe even seeing things wrong.

I rub my eyes, trying to clear my vision.

Nope, everything is picture clear. Anjel is still in my apartment, laying on the couch, asking me for a coffee.

I think I'm going insane. I want to kill him.

'So you wanna stay here do you?' I can't help the heinous laugh that bubbles out from my throat. Yep, I've officially gone crazy.

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