Welcome home - Chapter 28

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Pelican drove to Staten Island to pick me up and take me back to Manhattan.

I feel nervous to go back to that house, not knowing what is to come. Even though, anjel made it clear that Clarissa won't be present in the house, I still don't know if she will barge into the house without notice. I don't fear anyone, but Clarissa is someone I know I should look out for.

'We have arrived miss' pelican says which triggers my eyelids to open. I didn't realise I took a nap in the car until I open my eyes and we're already at the house.
I take in a deep breath and grab my bag.

I enter the house i loathed for so long. Being in this house feels nostalgic, but not in a good way.
I feel violently Ill to even step inside the house.

I walk inside the house. At first it's dead silent and empty, until I see a dark figure become darker as it comes towards me. Anjel walks a few steps towards me and looks down at me with a smirk.

'Welcome back, angé' his voice has a tint of mockery which would've annoyed me before, but now I surpass it.
'It feels weird..being back here' I take in a deep breath and look around the familiar surrounding.
'You'll get used to it' he says so surely with that deep voice of his. 'I don't know about that...' I roll my eyes at him sarcastically. He lets out a small chuckle before grabbing the bag from my hand. 'Your room is waiting for you' he nods his head towards the stairs which lead to where my bedroom was.

The wide doors open to the bedroom I was once staying in as a hostage, and the smell of the crisp breeze hits my nose instantly. The smell of this room never changed.
'If you want to make some changes, tell pelican and he will help you out with it' anjel says.
'I'm fine for now. Thank you' my tone is calm but my body is tense. The more I look at this empty clean room, the more I remember all the fucked up things that happened inside it.

'You're breathing heavy'
I flash my head towards anjel, who's standing beside me. I give him a stunned look with a raise of my brows. I didn't realise I was breathing heavy until anjel mentioned it.

'What are you thinking?' He asks.
My lips mold into a thin line before puckering up into my natural pout. 'Nothing..' I reply back.
Anjel rolls his eyes 'I'm not buying that'
I chuckle at his sassy reaction. 'You don't need to buy it. I am priceless' I make a sarcastic joke In order to change the subject. Anjel leans down to kiss my cheek before looking into my eyes with a small smile crawling from his lips. 'You sure are priceless, angé' he winks at me.

I start to unpack my duffel bag. Anjel still hasn't left the room and is standing behind me, watching me unpack.
I feel his heat radiate from behind me like a spirit.

'How long is Clarissa going to be gone for?' I ask out of the blue. Even if this question is out of the blue, I just need to know.
'Until my brother is gone from this state' he admits.
I pause my unpacking and turn my head around until I see anjel from the corner of my eye.
'Your brother?'

I never questioned it before but now that I'm thinking about it, it all seems odd.
Why isn't anjel introducing Clarissa, his actual fiancé, to his brother instead? Why me?

Anjel stays quiet and avoids answering my question.

There's something more to this whole ordeal than just him not wanting Clarissa in the house.

'Does your brother know about Clarissa?' I ask another question out of curiosity.

Anjel groans a loud sigh and walks towards me.
His hands slip around my waist, with his head burying into my neck. I feel his breathing on my neck and the smell of his woody cologne.

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