Gone where? - Chapter 39

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I'm starting to hate this house. It's cozy, yes. However, being in here 24/7 is starting to become more and more suffocating. It feels weirdly a lot like American horror story.

It's been a week. I left Staten Island so suddenly that I didn't get the time to properly get time off of work. My boss is already a pain in the ass towards me, now she will definitely fire me. Perfect.

Even though, half of the time I'm in my room wishing I wasn't here. The other half I  spent occupying myself with gen.

She's taught me how to make sourdough bread which has been chaotic yet pretty fun. Who knew you had to make a whole fungus before making the sourdough.

Spending time with Genevieve made me think about all the times I had with my dad. Genevieve gave me that missing motherly affection I wish I got from my biological mother. However, she reminds me a lot of my father. Her charisma, her witty attitude and the way she tends to teach you everything with anything is the sum of my dad.

I lost my dad when I was 17. He was murdered whilst out running errands. The news of his death came to me like a ton of bricks. I went from a happy high school girl who didn't need anyone else other than her dad to being a complete loner. After my dad died, I was left to fend for my own. With a drug addict mother and a step father who can't seem to stop eyeing little girls, I knew I couldn't go back to that hell hole. Even If it had meant I had to live off in the streets then so I would.

Thankfully, my father's good friend Michelle took me in and cared for me like her own child. I decided to continue with school, no matter how hard it became. I had to do it for myself and my father. I couldn't let him down. Michelle helped me get a job after school so that I could save up for college. When I finally graduated, I was able to get a scholarship and move out from Michelle's house. The money from my job was enough to rent out a little apartment in an urban area in Staten Island however that meant being away from Michelle.

Michelle was like my rock during the hard times I went through after my dad's death. She's a speech therapist so i guess that also helped, but in general, she was my biggest supporter when my mom never stopped bothering me. She even suggested I get a restraining order on her. Me being the lonesome girl I am, I rejected the offer, hoping that one day my mom will change and love me as her daughter. She never did...


Im on my 30th reading streak. Yes. I've gone through 30 books. What's more annoying is that anjel thinks I'm enjoying reading, so he's buying me more books. When in reality im only reading this much because it's the only way I can cope with my boredom.

I know it's only been a 4 days, but I've been in this house way too many times before to know that it's not that intriguing.

I slap my book closed and let out an irritated huff.

'What's wrong?' I look behind me from where I'm sitting, it's pelican.
'Are you really asking me that?' I look at him with dead eyes. 'Bad ending?' He nods to the book on my lap.
I groan, running my hands through my hair before rubbing my sore eyes. 'I miss my job' I open.
Even though I did at one point hate my job, being here alone and bored is making me feel grateful.
Anjel is gone half of the time. He works 24/7 and although I'm sleeping in his room, he doesn't even come during the night. I have no idea where he sleeps but it's not beside me that's for sure.

'Pelican?' I bite the inside of my cheek in thought.
Pelican raises an eyebrow in reply.
'Do you know where anjel is?'
Pelicans face does not move.
'No I don't' This man is pure stone cold. I can't even tell whether he's lying or not.

I groan and throw my head back. I really need to find anjel.

There is no way pelican doesn't know where anjel is. I look back at pelican. My face lighting up with a cringey grin that's also making it hard for me not to cringe. My whole aim is; if I act cute he will maybe let me know where anjel is.

'Pelicannn....' The last letter vibrating into a hum as I look at him, my eyes squinted for dear life.
Pelicans face doesn't move. He is still frozen in that same facial expression. God..is this man a robot or something?
He's definitely made in a lab.

Pelicans eyes dart down to me before raising an eyebrow.
'I really need to see anjel right now...it's very urgent' I pout. My eyes widening like an excited puppy.
'I don't know where boss is' he says again.
Ok, I give up. He will not budge. Not even a little twinkle in his eye or a movement on his cheek.
I turn myself around. Slouching on my back as I try to ignore the fact that pelican is standing right behind me.

My body jerks up in an instant and goes back to facing pelican. His eyes stare blankly at the wall and his posture so straight it's boring to look at.
'Pelican, Do you ever smile?!' I ask out of curiosity.
His pupils set on me before going back to the wall.
'I guessed so' I go back to my slouched position.


The day passes like usual. I read a book. Finish it. I start a new book. I pause my reading. I go to the kitchen. I make myself food. I go back to my reading. I pause my reading again. Go to the kitchen. I Get myself a drink. I Go back to reading. Shortly after, I finish the book.

This routine was peaceful before but now it's becoming suffocating. I feel like I'm being held hostage whilst also being forced to do torturous labour.
I don't even have my phone to contact anyone. Not that I do have anyone to contact, but it would've been an opportunity to at least contact anjel.

The phone anjel gave me last time, I broke it into a million pieces. Left it laying at a stranded road in Staten Island. I knew he was tracking me from that device so I had to get rid of it somehow. Also, who gives a phone to someone with only one number to contact? The phone was useless.

The sky outside is starting to turn a deep blue. Soon it will be black and anjel is still not home. Genevieve is also not home. She decided it was a good idea to stay at her own house near by to give us some space. I obviously didn't want her to go, I loved having her here, but she insisted that it would also be more comfortable for her.
Now, it's just me and this huge house alone.

I check the time on the digital clock beside the bed. It's 11pm. If anjel doesn't come in a few minutes, then the chances are he won't come tonight.
I feel my heart slowly sinking with each time the minutes pass. One minute gone. Then another one, and another one.

'Ange?' My head snaps back to the voice coming from behind me. How was I so focused on the clock that I didn't even hear him come home?
The tension ive kept in my chest for the past few minutes all come out with a sigh.
I spring up from the bed and within a millisecond I'm in anjel's arms.

'I thought you wouldn't come..'

His arms wrap around me. The light touch of his fingers rubbing on my back before placing a kiss on the top of my head.

'I'm here now'


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