Diabolic - Chapter 3

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'She will leave tonight!'

Clarissa's voice echos through my office. She's prancing around the room, her hand on her head in frustration, watching her this frustrated makes me stressed.

'Anjel I'm not joking, I want her gone' she points a finger at me. The reason she's this irritated is not because daphne broke one of her favourite crystal glass but mostly because daphne is running around this house with a steaming attitude. No one in this house does that unless it's Clarissa.

Clarissa likes to be known as the queen of my house. She's my fiancé. My first love and my last.
I've loved her since I can remember, we're high school lovers. I wouldn't say sweethearts, but that's because my life hasn't been sweet nor has our love story. My life has been chaos since the day I was born.

I was born into a family of gangsters. Age ten was the sweet point of my life, till it all turned around at the age of thirteen. My father, being the rutheless, dirty gangster he is, taught me how to shoot bullets at the age of thirteen. My mother felt pity for me, I went through a rough patch trying to impress my father. I was called weak, a boy and a pussy on a daily basis. Even my dad's security guards would laugh at me.
When I turned fifteen I met Clarissa in high school.
Her family is also a group of gangsters which made a bond between my family and hers. My father expected me to be with Clarissa from the start and I knew in order to impress him I would have to obey him.

So I did. I started being with Clarissa more often till I eventually fell in love with her. It didn't take me long to tell her I love her. I mean look at her. She is perfect. Anything a man would need. Her shiny blonde hair. Her beautiful plump breasts. Her flawless body. Everything a man like me would dream for.

Being with Clarissa has taught me one of two things.
One: Always be strong. Two: Revenge is the sweet point.
Clarissa made me grow into the man my father always wanted.

I remember me and Clarissa's first date. I took her to a park and she secretly brang a gun with her.
She showed off her amazing shooting skills and proceeded to make me shoot a couple of birds.
It was the moment I felt most confident.
Not only did she show me that I can be the man my dad always wanted me to be, but also that I'm more than a boy.

I'm now Twenty eight and she's Twenty seven.
Eight years ago I proposed to her, but because of shit going on between families and my fathers sudden passing, we never got married.
However, Clarissa has had enough of waiting and is determined to get married this year. I am more than happy to give my vows to the woman prancing around my office right now.

She is to be my wife one way or another. I know that it will make my father proud. Even when I started dating Clarissa he stopped calling me weak. Clarissa is the light of my life and the reason for my manhood.

She's my queen. And I will have everyone know that.

'Calm down, love. If she leaves she will run to the police and we will be screwed. You know that can't happen'
I explain. I'm return she gives me a scowl 'I offered to kill her but you said no. You never say no to me' she waves her hand in the air.

That's right. I did say no to killing daphne. That's because I don't think daphne deserves it. If she hadn't run from the scene that day in fear I wouldn't of had to bring her here. Her fear is a reason for her to go to the police. I can't take no risks.

'We've killed enough people. We will keep her around and then free her. Easy' I groan in frustration. I've had enough of this conversation about that girl already.
She's a young girl. It won't take long till she decides to give up on ratting us out.
'When have you become this soft?' Clarissa raises an eyebrow.

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