One down - Chapter 21

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'What the fuck' Anjels eyes widen with disgust.

Me and anjel have been standing infront of my fridge for the past 10 minuets with the fridge door open and the sight of the mold staring back at us.

I scratch my head in confusion of what to do.
Anjel steps back as if the mold is going to grow legs and attack him. 'You act like a baby when it comes to grime'
I shake my head in disbelief of his actions.

Anjel doesn't look like the type to be disgusted by anything. I mean come on! The man cleans blood that he caused for a living.

'I don't, but this is different' he points at my fridge.
'Don't offend my first born like this!' I slap his hand down. 'Your first born?' He gives me a weirded out look.
'Yes my first born. I bought him when I first moved here two years ago' I sigh. Is it weird that I'm feeling awfully sad about the idea of possibly throwing my fridge away?

'Calling me a baby is hypocritical of you' he says from behind me. I flash him a death stare and go back to watching my fridge staring back at me.

'I don't know what to do' I rub my hands over my temple. 'There is nothing to do. Throw it' he says so simply. Of course. The first solution he can come up with is to get rid of the fridge.

'Easy for you to say. I'm not that rich' I roll my eyes.
He doesn't say anything, he just keeps quiet. He knows I'm right. He's rich and can get rid of anything that has gone bad and replace it with something way better.

'Plus, I have a connection with him' I add, just to not seem too broke.

A few seconds pass of us just staring at the ugly sight of my fridge. I'm keep thinking of ways I could fix this mess, and I get no ideas other than cleaning it.

'I know people that can come clean this' anjel says from
Behind me, adding right onto my thoughts.
'You know people from here too?' I ask, genuinely curious on how he knows so many people.
'Angé...i know everyone and everyone knows me. They just don't dare speak my name' he replies back so surely.
It's like it's a threat to me too. Like I can't ever speak about him to no one.

'What does that even mean?'
He doesn't reply back to my question, instead he's on his phone typing away.

Anjel seems to always thrive in privacy. He likes being mysterious, and no matter how much time I've spent with him, I still know nothing about him. I don't even know what colour he likes. Is that too common to ask a guy? However, I'm pretty sure he likes black. From the way he always dresses in black. Maybe I should keep a close eye more often.

'It's two am' he lifts his head up, his gaze meeting mine.
'So the cleaner is not answering'
'Fuck' I curse under my breath.

I should've known this whole thing wouldn't be fixed in just a few minutes. It's going to take more than a soapy water to clean this mold.

'Im going to a hotel. I would advise you to come with me since staying here with mold in the house is not safe'
He points at the fridge, slowly making his way out of my apartment.

'I am not going to a hotel with you' I cross my arms, my loose messy bun falling slowly to the side. I can feel how foolish I probably look. I've been up for more than 17 hours today. I haven't had a shower in 2 days and my hair looks like it could use serious detangling.
'I'm only taking you to a hotel angé not a fucking dungeon' I'm thrown away with his use of words.
I'd be better off in a dudgeon if it meant no anjel.
'No. Im not coming' I insist. Im definitely going to regret this.

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