Overnight - Chapter 6

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Why am I doing this? I never was the one to ever get this far. Not even with Chet. I never did this with my ex boyfriend of 2 years why am I doing it with a stranger?

I don't even know his name, yet here I am: legs spread wide, bent over on the bed, arched back begging for more in silence. I should stop this right away but I don't.
I don't want to, I want it to continue.

The way his fingers are slowly caressing my pussy, spreading my wetness all over. It feels so good. I don't want him to stop. Maybe this is all I need. Just a little bit of satisfaction then I can tell him to leave the room.
No. I want to explore it further. I need to explore it more. I have every urge in my body to just tell him to insert himself inside me, but I can't. I'll let him take his time to explore me.

I won't tell him I never had sex before, that's cringe. I know if I tell him he'll feel the power of taking my virginity. This guy already has a thick ego as it is and if he finds out he's my first body, he will have every word to use against me.

I realise this is wrong, he has a fiancé and this shouldn't go any further. I don't have any loyalties to anyone but he does. If anything he will fuck up. But the idea of him fucking me behind that woman's back makes me feel hungry for him to do it even more. I don't give a shit about her, especially after she tried to kill me.

He stops caressing my pussy and we stay silent for a few seconds. The air inside the room is getting hotter and hotter the more the sexual tension grows.
I hear him unzip his trousers but I don't look behind me, I'm too nervous to even watch him.
I then hear the noise of a plastic wrapper. He's going to use a condom. I take a deep breath in, preparing myself to feel him inside me. I wonder if he's big. Maybe if I take a peek I can know what I'm dealing with.

I turn my head slightly to the right and watch as he rolls a condom on his length.
He's big. Very big.
I turn my head away and face the bed that I'm laying on.

I've seen and heard many stories about how big penis's always hurt no matter how many times you have sex and now after seeing his length, having sex is making me nervous.

He rubs his cock up and down on my pussy, his hand on my ass, spreading my pussy open for him to easily access inside. He teases my entrance by slipping his tip inside me slightly then slapping his cock on my clit.

Even with the tip inside, it's sore.

I need to tell him I'm a virgin before he slips himself inside me, I need him to go gentle.
'By the way I-'


His cock is inside me. He didn't even give a warning.
I shriek in shock and pain. Tears welling in my eyes, threatening to come out.
'Fuck, you're so tight' he groans under his breath.
I don't speak a word. I stay still, hoping he would go slow.

He pushes himself inside me deeper. I feel every inch of him spreading me wide. Every small movement he makes even when he's just still, stings like a bitch.
But the stinging pain soon turns into more of a pleasure.

He slips his hands around my waist, pinning me down to the mattress. He doesn't move just yet but suddenly starts to hit me inside violently.
I feel every movement of him inside of me, his cock rubbing my inside walls, stretching me out to shape my insides into his cock.

My head bobs back and forward as his pace starts to speed up. My moans turn into small shouts that echo inside the room. He brings one of his hands to my face and covers my mouth to stop me from letting any loud noise come out. He wouldn't want his fiancé to hear how he's fucking the shit out of me right now.

His cock is so deep inside me that he's hitting every sensitive part inside of me. I can't help but lose control. I bite on his hand making him grunt. He soon loses control over himself and slaps my ass, grabbing it and hitting my pussy harder and harder each time he slides inside then out.

'I'm going to cum' I let out a gritted up moan.
'Not just yet sweetie' he spins me around with one hand and pins me down to the mattress fast and desperate.
I close my eyes to stop myself from looking at him.
I can't look at him just yet, i can't face the fact that I'm being fucked by a complete stranger I met a couple days ago.

'Open your eyes sweetheart. Watch how I fuck your tight little cunt'
I open my eyes instantly and look down at my naked body. This man is completely inside me. Buried deep inside my pussy. I feel a heat wave rush over me. A uncontrollable desire.

He grabs my face and pulls me into a deep hard kiss. I place my hand around his shoulder and dig my nails deep inside his flesh. His moans vibrate on my lip before he pulls away and wraps one of his hands around my neck.
'I'm fucking obsessed with your cunt' I bite my bottom lip as I look inside his eyes that are burning with sexual rage. 'Then don't stop fucking it' I reply back.

I'm playing with fire. I know that. But I've already added fuel to the fire, I might as-well revel in it.

He gives me a sinful smirk in reply and looks down at my pussy, watching how he's fucking it. He throws his head back, exposing all his tattoos that are all around his neck. It didn't come to my attention till now, and now that I see it, it's turning me on. He's a very attractive man. Everything about him. His body, his tattoos, his piercings, his scars that are on his chest.
Fuck. I'm fucked. Literally, mentally and physically.

'Cum on my cock' he spreads my legs wider.

My legs shake in intense orgasm already, I know that if I cum I'm going to explode.
He puts his thumb on my clit and slowly rubs it as he's penetrating me mercilessly.

I can't keep it in any longer, and the man can tell, because he puts two of his fingers inside my mouth. I gag a little from how deep he pushes his fingers inside my mouth but then I get used to it. I bite his fingers from the orgasm that's building up bit by bit.

I scream a loud moan but his fingers that are inside my mouth and prevents me to let out any loud noise. My voice vibrates against his two fingers as I let out my release. His grunt is loud and I feel his cock pulsate inside me. My pussy throbs from the orgasm washing over me. I let all my juices out on his cock, letting it all flow all over the bed and his torso.
'You are so fucking beautiful' he gasps as he lets out his own release inside the condom. He's still inside me so I still feel the warmth of his cum.
His hands that are wrapped around my neck squeezes tighter. I choke back a moan that turns into a cough.
He loosens up his grip on my neck and turns his head to face me.

My whole body is shaking so much that I push him away and roll my body to the side. I feel the emptiness as he pulls his cock out of me.

I don't face him, I'm too embarrassed to.

'My name is Anjel' he says. I open my eyes and look over to him. He's getting dressed to leave.
'What?' I ask once again.
'My name. It's Anjel' he repeats himself.
Is this what I had to do to get him to tell me his name?
I don't say anything, it takes me a while to fathom everything.

Before I can even speak a word, he leaves the room. Leaving me all to myself.

The hot air of this room turns into cold. I lay still on the bed. The same way he left me. I don't move a single bone.

Is this what it's like, the first time? I didn't even have a decent conversation after I just got fucked. I felt no love. Just pure anticipation and desire. I don't love him nor does he...but I always expected myself to have sex with a man I love.

My whole life has changed in a matter of days.
I just had sex. With a man named Anjel who kidnapped me.

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