Hours - Chapter 12

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I'm back from the hospital. The whole 4 days I've been there, Anjel has stayed with me.
I'm more confused than shocked. I don't know why he found the need to stay with me. I don't know if it's guilt that's eating him up, that's why he stayed or if it's because he cares. Either way it's a question I can't quite understand.

'Do you need anything?' He asks me as I lay on the bed gently trying to place my head on the soft pillows.
It's difficult to say that this bed and the pillows are way better than the ones at my home. Sounds horrendous to me but the fact that I prefer staying here than being alone in my own home makes me feel like I'm betraying myself.

Anjel is already looking after me as well as it is, and I hate to admit that he's acting like he cares when he showed me a bunch of times he didn't. The change of heart in him is messing with my head.

'Can I have a iced coffee?' I ask, giving him a wide grin in hopes he says yes.

These past few days the only meals I could have was hospital food and water, which let me start by saying: it's absolutely disgusting.

I've been craving caffeine since I've been in the hospital and nothing will satisfy me more than the feel of it in my system.

Anjel nods. He leaves my room a second later without asking what type of iced coffee I want. What if I was a frappé instead? This man really just going to get me any ice coffee he finds. I sigh.
Anything is better than nothing at this point.

Half an hour later I have a knock on my door. I know it's Anjel because when he knocks he knocks hard, as if he's about to break the door.

He steps in Seconds later with a brown paper bag and a clear cup in his hand, holding my iced coffee.
'I got a almond croissant'
Shock waves over me. Almond croissant is my favourite.
However, I never told him that. Maybe he just guessed.
He places the iced coffee and the brown paper bag on-top of my bedside table.
'What coffee is this?' I ask, intrigued to know what he got. 'Iced cappuccino with vanilla' he replies back.
My jaw drops. That's my exact iced coffee order.
'How the hell did you-' I stutter on my words but he cuts me off instantly 'I know everything sweetheart' he gives a small smile before winking at me with those alluring dark eyes.

He ends up placing a small table on top of my lap before giving me my meal of the morning.
I bite into the croissant as he watches me from beside my bed. I moan at the fresh sweet taste of the croissant.
I look over at Anjel, he's looking at me with a barely visible smile. I stop chewing and shake my head.
'What?' I say with a full mouth.
'Nothing' he looks away from me as if he's trying to hide something. I shurg and continue eating my croissant. 'If you have eyes on my croissant, you're not having any' I point out.
He lets out a deep chuckle 'sweetheart, if I wanted something sweet I know exactly where to get it from' he winks at me, not letting his gaze slide away once.

I stop chewing, my face still stuffed with the thin, delicate filo pastry.
A second passed before a chunk of food catches up into my throat, making me cough hysterically.

'What...the...hell...does that mean?' I ask through the chocked up words.
'Just eat your food' he sighs, rubbing his temple up and down with a knowing smirk.

The rest of the day is peaceful. I end up sleeping for a few hours then waking up and spending my day in the balcony reading the books I got from Anjels grandmothers study.

She has good taste in books let me just put it out there.

My stomach starts to rumble within the second hour of continuous reading. If I don't eat I just know I'll die. Not exaggerated at all.

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