Forget me not - Chapter 19

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I still haven't had anyone swarm my house yet. However, it feels like a ticking time bomb. I know that any minute someone is going to pound on my door and take me back to that hell house.
Curling up into the corner of my bedroom feels safer than being in my living room sitting on the couch. The clock on my wall ticked about a million times, each time I'm wondering when the door will knock. I haven't eaten yet, though I feel sick to my stomach.
I should be this afraid right? It's not like anjel who gives zero fucks about me is going to come all the way from Manhattan to find me, right?
It's been about three hours that I'm sat here on the cold floor expecting an instant door knock. Let's be real,
If they came to get me, they wouldn't knock on my door. They would instantly barge in.

Hold on a minute!
How the hell would they even find me? I am all the way in Staten Island. These thugs don't have no connection to Staten Island whatsoever, because it's just the upper east they control. Daphne, you overthink everything so much. Get the fuck up and go eat something, it's been 24 hours since you had food in your system.
There's no way they can find me. I could be anywhere for all they know.

I get up from the floor and go to the kitchen. Food food food. Let's get me some food.
Thank fuck I have decent food in my house unlike that house where they add caviar to a burnt toast.
I like my small apartment, even if it feels weird now that I'm out of that humongous place, I finally feel like I'm

I open my fridge. There is so many things inside here,
Mold is one of them.
Mold has covered my whole fridge from top to bottom.
I gag at the sight of it. It doesn't smell but it definitely looks rancid. With the state of the fridge looking like this, I need a whole new one.

I'm too poor for that, cleaning it will do.

Once I have food in my system I will prepare to clean this fridge, but right now, there is no way I'm digging into cleaning this mess without having any food.

Takeaway tonight is the only option. I walk to my bedroom to grab my phone, stopping midway when I realise I don't have a phone. Fuck.
Anjel took my phone the second I went inside that house, and I never got to get it back. Great, no phone no food. If I had at least a home telephone I could've saved my ass from starving but I don't even have that since I always believed it was too old fashioned.
'I hate you!' I yell with all the voice I have in me.
'Anjel I hate yo-' a knock on the door startles me from speaking another word.
My skin prickles from the goosebumps rising all over my body.

I stay still in my place, startled from the knock, up until another knock follows. It's him. I know it is.
My heart races 50 miles per hour, afraid to open the door to see the sight of him standing tall against my door.

This can't be happening. How the fuck did he even find me? Thats a stupid question, of course he found me. He knows everything about me without me even telling him. I thought his fiancé was a psycho but he's also one. That's probably why they're getting married. Two psychos living in one house for the rest of their lives, how fucking sweet! Call them the Joe Goldberg and love quinn.

Another knock.

The adrenaline in my body is running cold. Any minute now he can barge in here and take me back to Manhattan. Maybe I should hide in my bedroom again? Great idea. If I act like I'm not here he will eventually leave....I hope.

I tiptoe quietly into my bedroom, making sure not a little sound comes from any of my movements.
The floor board creeks the moment I step into my bedroom, I cringe at the noise but continue to tiptoe quietly. Once I'm inside my bedroom I turn around to close the door behind me. My eyes dart to a dark figure overshadowing my existence.

'Hello...angé' The deep voice pierces into my ears leaving me with nothing but a overly fast beating heart.
My hands drop to my side as I look up to the man standing right in front of me.

Tall, handsome, sharp and toned.

Even with fear running through me, the sight of him is enough to soften any bad thoughts I have cascading in my head.

This is why I fear him. He is able to make me surrender to him knowing that he has a effect on me that no one else has. He's like the devil. He will enter your life and make you do anything for him because he has that controlling ability, and that's why I'm here in the first place. When he's not around I have the mind to go against him, but when he is around..I am unable to resist him.

My eyes widen as I scan his face, his eyes have a pleasured look as if he's mocking me.
'Did you think I'd just let you go?' He smirks.
I shake my head in disbelief, walking backwards till my shaking legs hit the bed.
He walks slowly to me, edging me to however much space there is inside this little bedroom of mine.
'Afraid, angé?' He goes to touch my face but I yank his hand away, pushing it hard enough for it to hit the metal frame of my bed. He doesn't flinch nor show any emotion, he just keeps looking at me with those manipulating eyes. I am no fool to fall for his actions anymore.

'Why are you here?' I say with a shivered voice. I'm trying to stand tall but I'm too in shock to even cooperate with my emotions.
'Is that the first thing you ask when you see me?' He mocks me once again. All he ever does is mock me, as if I'm a joke. It's not like I should be surprised. He treats me like I'm a no body, like I have no soul.
'Why. Are. You. Here, Anjel?'
I ask again, this time more clearer so it goes into his thick skull.
He sighs, putting his hands inside his trouser pockets.
This guy lives and breathes in a suit all day everyday. Does he never get bored from looking this....good?
'I'll take that as a rhetorical question, since you know why I'm here' there. Another mocking sentence. I feel defeated every time he speaks. It's a matter of time till I become his bitch...and not in a good way.
'Leave me alone. You got everything you want out of me so why not just leave me to be from now on?' I can break down any minute. I've had enough of going back and forth with him. From being sweet to toxic, I've had enough. Yet it doesn't seem like he wants to let me go. No matter how many times I can leave he will find me and taunt me. 'You are mine, angé. Remember?' He smirks. Another mocking sentence.

'I'll pull you in and bring you back to me whenever I want'

I scoff. 'Your ego is laughable. I am not yours, let's get that one straight, and you can't pull me in anywhere because that is assault and I will report you'
It takes me a minute to realise how stupid I sound.
Assault, really? Daphne, sometimes you are the reason for this man always winning.

He throws his head back, letting out a deep laugh followed by a sigh once his gaze meets mine again.
'You know what? If you don't want to leave, then I will'
I grab my cardigan from on top my bed and pass by him walking straight to the door.
'Where are you going? This is your house' he laughs once again. 'Will you stop mocking me!' I shout, pointing a finger to his face. His face goes still and emotionless.
'You either leave or I will' I grab the door handle, twisting it around as a threat.

'You are not leaving' he says with a tone so sure that I won't leave.
He's so used to me obeying him that he thinks he has full control over me. Bad mistake anjel, bad mistake.
'Watch me' I smirk, pushing myself out of the house and slamming the door shut behind me. I pace down the stairs of my apartment. I have no time to wait for the lift to arrive and take me downstairs, knowing he would reach ground floor before I do.

I feel the cold breeze hit my body as soon as I step outside. I look to my right and left before walking away,
But instantly get cut off with cold hands wrapping around my arm.
I turn my head around to face the man holding my arm, expecting it to be no other than anjel.

'What the fuck-' if looks could kill, the man in-front of me would be dead right in the moment.


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