Relive - Chapter 38

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'This is ridiculous' I hunch back on my seat, facing the window, watching each car pass by with impeccable speed. Run me over instead.
'Don't forget that you're the one who agreed to come back, ange'

Okay so maybe I did agree to going back, but it's not like I actually wanted to...

'You wouldn't stop bugging me about it. I had no choice!'
I fire back. In a way it's true but he also made a valid point to why I should return back to Manhattan so I agreed. With my mother back in town and her presence lurking around my house 24/7 like a hawk, I can't trust myself to be safe. Ironically, It's always me to be in danger anyway.

I roll down the car window, letting it automatically go down. The fresh air relives me in a way but then I realise I'm in the car with anjel.
We haven't spoken much and when he opens a conversation, it always ends with me smart mouthing him or giving him one worded replies.

'Pelican misses you'

'I must admit that I miss that omlette you make'
'Oh, so you're taking me to Manhattan to be your maid?'

'Your room is under construction so you'll have to sleep in my room'
'Don't you already have 10 other rooms? I'm not sleeping with you'

I'm not even mad at him. I just can't help my attitude that automatically comes out when I'm with him.
He brings out the worst and best in me. Those two mixed together ends up with me being sarcastic.

We finally pull into the driveway. His house lights are all
On even though no one is in. Or I think no one is.
I don't think to question it. Maybe that's how he's starting to live...lights all on and stuff.

'Come on, there's someone I'd like you to see'

Anjel covers my palm with his as his grip tightens around my hand. I raise an eyebrow, not knowing what he is talking about and also not knowing what to expect.

He certainly can't be talking about pelican since I've seen him a thousand times over the years. Seeing him won't be a shock. 'Who is it?' I ask. He stays quiet keeping me on edge on who it could possibly be.

At this point I'm starting to think Clarissa is back...

I step inside the well lit house. The breeze from the air conditioner hitting my face like fresh frostbite.
As if New York isn't already cold enough.

'Surprise!' I feel my spine straighten from my body's flinch. My eyes dart to the stairs from where the female voice is coming from.

'Ange, this is my mom' anjel's hand relaxes on my back as he walks with me towards her. I'm tense. Very tense. How the hell am I supposed to act? This is so sudden.
Here I am, thinking i could face anyone but his mom.

Act normal Daphne. Act normal.

Normal my ass. I'm stuck in one spot, unable to move or speak.

'Ange?' Anjel slightly taps my back to snap me back into reality, but no.
I know exactly what's going on around me, but I'm frozen nevertheless. Great.

'Anjel, my dear, Is she alright?'

I don't know wether I should laugh or cry, anjel's mom thinks I'm crazy.

'Vous effrayée elle mére' a small chuckle rolls out from his lips leading his mom to also giggle at whatever he said. They're definitely laughing at me.

I am so going to kill anjel.

'I'm fine!' I finally snap back into reality after looking at anjel's mom uncomfortably for about 2 minutes.
'Parfait!' She claps her hands together and reaches out to me for a hug. 'You must be the ange my anjel over here was telling me about'
I gulp down the awkward conversation with a cheesy smile spreading on my face.
'I had no idea he was talking about me' I turn my head to anjel with a sly smirk. Maybe meeting his mom wasn't a bad idea after all. She can tell me all about what he's been saying about me.

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