Inflicted - Chapter 14

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I heard the conversation Anjel and his fiancé had. Even though I shouldn't care, I hate that I'm apart of it.
I don't like being the reason for a relationship to end.
Hypocritical of me, I know. I should've known this before I slept with a man who has a fiancé. I guess it's not only my fault since it was two who needed to agree for sex to happen. My whole regret is that I let him take something important off from me. The first time I had sex was with a man who has a fiancé, I'll never feel okay with that.

To think how I was saving a special moment for someone
who comes into my life that I hoped to really love but then it all changes one night and I end up doing the complete opposite.

Maybe I'm the problem. I wanted it so I got it. And now I can't feel anything but regret.

I can't help but think how much of a bad person you have to be to sleep with someone's fiancé. I always heard stories about it, and even saw it happen, yet now...I'm the one who's the other woman. I feel sick.

After I overheard there conversation, I know that they are not broken off. The more I stay here the more it's risky for me. Physically and mentally.

I can't stay In this house knowing that any minute I can be taken away and tortured again. Especially now that his crazy fiancé knows we slept together. I must leave, and that means now.

I rush into the bedroom I'm staying in and gather everything that belongs to me. There's not much for me to take, since I was taken here at a specifically bad timing.

My legs start to ache the more I tremble from rush.
I cringe at the tightness of my stitches on my skin.
I'm rushing to get out of this house as if I only have a few minutes till I dead. It really isn't the case but the quicker I'm gone the better it is for me and for anjel.

A sharp itching pain stabs into a stitch I have on my waist making me hold the wound in hopes it stops. I sit on the perfectly made bed and wait till the pain has gone.
I still can't wrap around my head how I ended up like this in a matter of a week. I went from having dinner with chet to being a flesh bag full of wounds.

Everything makes me want to cry. I haven't been to work in a week. My ex boyfriend cheated on me. I slept with a random man I don't know but apparently all I do know is that he has a fiancé and is amazingly good looking and good in bed. I'm scarred from head to toe, and now...I'm trying to leave this house for the benefit of my life.


'What are you doing?' I see anjel come into my room with small steps. This is my cue to leave.
I stand up, my hand still wrapped around my waist as I grab my belongings. 'Speak to me' anjel says from behind me, but I don't say a word.
Once I have everything that I need, I walk right past anjel and rush down the stairs down to the main hall.
'Daphne!' I hear his deep voice echo down to me, but I don't hear it out.
Once I see the huge door come into sight I fasten my pace towards it. Before I can grab the handle I feel cold hands wrap around my arm.
Another stabbing pain suddenly breaks into my skin.
That is definitely one of my stitches.
I keep my lips closed so no sound comes out but my throat burns from the scream I let out inside.

'You son of a bitch!' A sudden gunshot pierces through my ear and a loud groan right beside me.
'Sir, what is-'

Anjel rushes towards me, offering to help me stand straight but I refuse to let him touch me so I push him away with my stronger hand.
I see one of his guards on the floor with his arms wrapped around his other arm. He's groaning in pain as his arm bleeds out.
'Get him out of here, I better not see his face again or he will be a dead man' anjel shouts at a flabbergasted pelican. Pelican nods, grabbing the guard off the floor and taking him away.

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