Drugged - Chapter 8

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'Absolutely not!'

'Why not?' I look at anjel in a death stare.
'Do you realise I can be killed or maybe even sexually assaulted' i point a finger at him, trying to keep my voice low. Lowering my voice is a way for me to keep my anger in, works all the time, but right now. I'm fuming.

'If he does, you will have a gun on you to protect yourself' he says it like it's so simple.
'I don't even know how to use a freaking gun!' I throw my hands in the air.
'I'll teach you' the way he even speaks this calmly about this matter makes me think he doesn't care if I die or not. He thought, oh yeah I have a chance of dying let me put someone else to do the job and die instead. Prick.

'Yeah no.' I cross my arms and look away. I am no way in hell agreeing to this idea, he must be out of his mind.

'Look. If you do this favour for me, I will let you go' my head instantly turns around to face him. I can see the way his face lights up when he realises he finally got my attention. 'How do I know you're not lying?'
'I don't lie sweetheart. plus I'm not exactly having fun keeping you around here'


I take a deep breath. Think about this well before you answer Daphne, do you really wanna do this?
I'll do anything to leave this putrid place. I want to go back to my normal life.
But I don't think it'll ever be normal, not after almost getting killed, having my first intimacy with a stranger and now the task to kill a man.

'Fine. I'll do it' I say. Anjel nods and takes out his phone from his pocket. 'But! With only one condition' I continue on. I might be agreeing to being set free but I also have my own rules I'd like to add. 'You will never contact me again after this. I don't want nothing to do with you, your fiancé or anything else' I poke his chest with my index finger. 'I wasn't that concerned about your well-being enough to contact you later on anyway sweetheart. You don't need to worry about that'

Does this man's words have to always sting this way?

Why do I even care if he doesn't care? I don't care about him either, so it shouldn't be a shock to me.
It was after the sex that I started to want him to care more about me. When I realised he wasn't going to, it hurt me a lot. I mean he just took my virginity and then left like nothing else mattered. I know he doesn't know I was a virgin but does no man in the world give after sex care at all?

What more do you expect from a man with a fiancé daphne? Of course he's not gonna give the princess treatment after all that happened between you two.

I guess I just feel used. Selfish of me, I know.

I sigh and give anjel a small nod. He leaves the bedroom straight away. So all he did was come here to give me a criminal job offer? I should've known he wouldn't come here to check up on me. But a girl can only expect.
He's probably on his way back to his fiancé anyway.

I easily agreed to get fucked by him, now I'm paying the consequences. He gets it easy he treats me easy.
After the whole kill a man plan, i hope I can at least live a normal life. I don't ever want to think about him or what happened between us. I regret it deeply already as much as it is, at the same time I can't get him out of my head. The way I'm feeling definitely has to be the soft side of my emotions. I mean come on! Which girl doesn't think about the first man they had sex with?

He was awfully good. So good I didn't even think once about the pain I was being endured with.

'You are so fucking beautiful'

The way he told me I was beautiful whilst looking into my eyes. That had to be real, it couldn't of been an act.
I saw the way his eyes darkened when he watched me hit my orgasm...like he was obsessed.
How his hands ran down my body, slithering around my neck....

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