Man of the upper east - Chapter 18

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A woman is arguing with a man. She screams and shouts, enough for me to hear it up in this fifty floor building.
Her hands go to her chest as she takes a break from all her screaming. The man in front of her goes to help his lady calm down. He takes her to a nearby bench and sits her down whilst stroking her hair. As a man he knows that stroking a woman's hair is a master way to calm them down.
Maybe he cheated on her? Or maybe she's arguing with him over something he can't give to her.
I watch as the woman's face softens into a worried look.
She has a worried fear plastered all over her face.
She finally speaks to him, the words mute as I watch them communicate, but I know exactly what she's saying.
'I'm afraid isaak. I'm afraid you won't love me anymore' she tells him. I'm far away to not see her tears but I know she's crying. His hands reaches to her cheeks and swipes the remaining tears on her face.
He pulls her head into his chest in a way to confirm he will never leave her.

'Baby? I'm going to shower..want to join me?' Clarissa's voice comes in, cutting me off from watching this couple outside the window. I stay focused on the couple, watching them as I think about everything that happened in the last few hours.

'No. I need to take a call' I reply back to Clarissa. I can feel her disappointment from behind me but I don't take it into notice. I hear her footsteps lead to the bathroom with a shut of the door followed by it.
I take in a huge breath. I didn't realise I was unfocused with what was going on till I realise that the couple is gone.

I slide my phone out my pocket to check any calls.
I've been MIA for a few hours now. It's been the longest I've been away from home ever since Daphne started living with me.

I see my phone shine through with ten missed calls from pelican. One which was a minute ago. I prefer not to contact anyone when I'm away. If I'm gone for piece of mind then there's no reason for me to be disturbed by anyone. I roll my eyes at how many missed calls there are from pelican. This man is supposed to be my guard, yet he cannot go a day without contacting me. I sigh and press his name. The line starts to ring and Instantly pelican answers, his panting breaths coming through the speaker in a panicked tone.
'Sir?' He speaks with a speed. I can tell something is up from how fast he's talking. Pelican never speaks fast.

'She is gone sir' he says. A vein in my neck ticks.
'What?' I don't think I heard him right. Daphne, is gone?
'The girl sir. She's gone' he repeats himself.
I feel my blood run cold. If she's gone, then it means there's two things that could've happened. She either got kidnapped or she ran away.

The only threat to Daphne is Clarissa and if Clarissa is next to me, then she's not been kidnapped.
I know for a fact that the psychotic woman ran away once she found the opportunity to. She realised I'm away and ran. Fuck.
'When was the last time you saw her?' I grab my watch from the nightstand, securing it on my wrist.
'Five hours ago sir' five Fucking hours. She's been gone for five hours without any trace of where she could be.

I know where she lives. I made sure I know everything about her before I brang her into my home. It will be easy to track her.

'Track the whole city whilst I'm gone. I'll be home soon' I say, shutting the phone right after.
I rush out the hotel room with Clarissa still in the bathroom. If she asks I'll just have to say I had business to handle. For now, I have much more important shit to handle than to sit clarissa down and tell her why I need to leave. Knowing her, she won't understand anyway. She will tell me to let Daphne go. I won't let her go.

I slam the hotel room door shut and pace my way to the lobby. The receptionist looks at me with a bright smile but I don't return it back, I never do.
I walk right past her to the man standing at the front door. With one look to my face he instantly grabs my car key from his pocket and passes it to me. I nod as a thank you and go straight to my car.
The roaring engine fills my ears when I drive out of the hotel gates. I light up a cigarette, Bringing it to my lips as the taste of rich smoke burns down to my lungs.

'I will find you angé'

I will find you.

I've been on the road for 30 minuets. I have an hour more to go till I get to Staten Island. The journey from Manhattan to Staten Island is not easy. The traffic is a pain in the ass. I've already lost 5 hours with her gone, I can't lose another minute.

I shouldn't give a fuck about Daphne. She means nothing to me. Just a few fucks here and there and that's it, but it just takes a little bone in my body to convince me to go find her. My mind is telling me something different to what my heart feels.
Is it the mind we listen to or is it the heart?
I don't have a heart. I don't feel anything to anyone. I'm trying to find Daphne purely for the satisfaction of keeping her with me because I know she doesn't want to.
She can continue to say she hates me or she doesn't want me, but it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out how she actually feels about me.
Every minute she spends with me, she loves. She loves the attention I give to her. I make her hopes fly up and then I crush them down to earth. That's what I do.
I don't chase. I let women chase me, but with's different. I knew it was going to be the minute she was kicking and screaming for me to let her go in the alleyway. Her eyes widened as if she's never seen someone like me, and I felt her heartbeat going faster, not from fear but from anticipation.

My pulse beats against my skin the more I speed through the empty highway. The roads finally become clear the closer I get to Staten Island.
Knowing I'm getting closer to her makes me press harder on my breaks. If I could fly to her, I would.
A flash of her face screens in my head. Her shocked yet annoyed expression is what I'm yearning for.

I get my 50th call from Clarissa. Every time I decline the call, it makes her call even more. I should block her number for the time being. I have no time to chit chat with her about where I am. I don't find the need to explain anything to her.

I decided to answer Clarissa's the call last second.
'Where are you? I got out of the shower and you were gone' I instantly regret answering the call.
'I had some business to take care of' I reply back, not that I needed to explain myself to her.
'What business?' She asks. I know in her mind she knows me disappearing is a sign I'm with Daphne. She's right.
I'm not yet with Daphne, but I will be.
'Im busy. I'll call you later' I go to hang up..
'You're with her aren't you?' Disgust spilling from tone.
'I'm not' I say truthfully.
'Then where are you going?'
'I told you I have some business to handle' I fire back. I am in no mood to answer her questions all day. This isn't a pop quiz, if it was I'd probably end up failing with all the lies I'm telling my fiancé.
'If you're done asking questions I need to close the phone' I say.
'Fine.' She shuts the phone instantly.
I continue with my drive, not putting Clarissa's rage into account. I'll deal with her later, because right now my priority is to find Daphne and bring her back home.

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