Brutal truth - Chapter 30

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We all are sat down at the dinner table, silent.

It's starting to become more awkward as the chewing and scraping of the food is starting to become louder.
My chest starts to ache as I keep my breathing low and steady in order to not make too much noise. It's pin drop silent. No one has spoken a word since we sat down at the table.

I huff in annoyance and put my knife and fork down.
Everyone at the table looks towards me, anjel's eyebrow raised in questions. 'Can we at least talk a bit?' I sigh out the breath I was holding in.

'There is no need, it's quite fine like this' anjel instantly snaps, putting another piece of steak in his mouth.

'Sure, let's talk!' Sean interrupts. Anjel, looks over at Sean with a death stare. 'So, how is DC? I heard great things about that place' I cut to the conversation. Anjel looks over at me, the death stare still in contact. I give him back a 'what?' Look which eases his stare into a 'whatever' attitude. He looks back down at his plate and continues to eat. Well I guess he won't be involved in the conversation.

'DC is great. Sometimes it does feel like New York, but I must say it is a good place to calm your thoughts' Sean smiles after the sentence. 'Calm your thoughts from what exactly?' Anjel adds on, making all of us turn to him.
The table yet again goes silent. I look over to Melissa who stopped eating and is not holding Sean's hand under the table. 'Anjel...' I lean to his ears and whisper, but he acts like he doesn't hear. 'You're the last person to have a calm mind. After all the shit you put Clarissa through' he mentions Clarissa which brings back the nausea I had earlier.

'I told you already. It is your decision whether you want to believe me or that woman' Sean replies back. Not holding back the sternness of his tone.
Anjels hands wrap around the knife tightly as the tension starts to become more humid.
'Ok, let's talk about something else-'
'Be quiet, angé. This is no time for sweet talk' i look at anjel. Shock plastered all over my face at his choice of words. Did he just tell me to shut up?

I am about 10 seconds away from blurting out the truth to anjel and make him open his eyes, but I think about what Melissa told me. If he doesn't even believe his brother, why would he believe me?

Melissa looks down at her plate, not being able to say or do anything as everything else unfolds. When it comes to anjel, everyone else is powerless.

'Tell me, sean. Tell me how you can just move on after what you did' anjel continuous.
I feel mute in this situation. I know that I'm not supposed to get involved, it's not my argument to argue. However, seeing Sean and Melissa being put into such an uncomfortable situation makes me wonder if anjel has any morals. Yes, he might not like or agree with his own brother, but also putting Melissa in that position makes me want to stop this whole ordeal.

'You knew you was guilty the minute you left New York! And to think my own blood did something to the woman I love....' He takes in a deep heavy breath, his body tense and his hands squeezing around that knife like a threat.
'You're lucky I spared your useless life'

'Enough!' I bang my fist on the table. Anjels gaze fixates on me as his eyes turn dark. 'You have no idea what you are saying, anjel!' My heart beating fast the more I'm starting to get riled up.

Anjel has taken everything too far. I knew that his silence was not going to end well.
'You couldn't pick a better place to have this conversation?' I throw him shade. My emotions mixed with disgust and anger.
'This is not your argument, angé. Sit down and stay quiet'
As soon as he finishes his sentence, I feel my whole body boil. The way he keeps dismissing me as if I don't matter in-front of other people makes me want to scream at him. But, I know my time and place.

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