Sick - Chapter 29

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Todays the day.

The day that I meet anjels brother.

I never thought it'd be such a nerve wracking feeling, but after anjels warning about Sean, I don't think i can look at him in a bright eye.

Me and anjel stand in-front of the main door, waiting for his brother and sister in law to arrive.

Anjel asked me to stay beside him during this time, and to not leave his side. The warning from yesterday and now his protectiveness today is making my head spin in circles.

The door bell finally rings and anjel takes a look at me before opening the door.

I take in a deep breath and put on my best welcoming smile.

When the door finally opens, I am met with Sean, who looks so alike to anjel that there's no doubt they are siblings. Beside Sean is a beautiful young woman, red head, and short yet skinny like a model. She's holding a baby stroller in her hands and my smile instantly widens.
The woman smiles at both and anjel brightly, her face blushed red. I could tell she wasn't faking her smile. She looked like a genuine happy woman.

'Hello, brother' Sean speaks up.
In the corner of my eyes I can tell that anjel was starting to become tense, but I place a hand on his arm to keep him calm. 'Sean...' anjels voice is low and somewhat threatening. I wish he could at least sound a bit more welcoming. 'Melissa?' He then turns his head to the woman. 'Hello. Thank you for having us' she says, her voice coming out more nervous than happy like her facial expression. She tries to balance the baby stroller in her arms so I decide to help out by taking it.
'Here, let me help' I insist. She sighs in relief and hands it over to me. 'Thank you so much, you have no idea how heavy this one has gotten' she chuckles softly.

I take a look inside the buggy. My eyes instantly soften at the sight of a chunky little baby boy sitting in the buggy.
'He's so precious' I smile at him in awe.
I look over at anjel who's looking down at the baby. His gaze not leaving the baby once. As if he can't stop himself from staring at this bundle of joy.
'What's his name?' I look over to Melissa as she smiles at the sight of me and anjel looking at her baby boy.
'Landon' she says.
'I've always loved that name' I reply back as I look back at baby Landon. 'Me too. Sean was thinking something more like atlas, but we chose Landon at the end'
I chuckle and then realise they're still at the doorstep.
'Oh, I'm sorry. Please, come in' I step aside for them to come inside the house. Anjel is dead quiet as he doesn't move aside for Sean to go in. Awkward.

'It's nice to meet you, amour.' I nod at Sean with a smile and greet him back. There still hasn't been any type of bad communication between us, so I won't act bad just because anjel and him had a bad history.
'Dinner will be served in 20 minuets. In the mean time we can go sit down' I say to them as if I'm the owner of this house. It's certainly starting to feel like it.
'I actually need to go change Landons clothes, he puked in the car whilst we was driving here'
'You feed him too much. My little man is already chunky'
Sean says in a humorous tone. Me and melissa both chuckle at his sentence, but melissa soon turns into defence mode. 'Just like his dad' she says sarcastically, looking him up and down. Sean let's out a pfft and rubs his stomach. 'I got abs for days, you know it and I know it' we all start to laugh again. I realise that anjel is looking at all of us in a straight face. He doesn't even let out a little crack of a smile.

'How about me and Melissa go to one of the rooms to change Landon and you two can catch up?' I suggest, hoping that it would be a good way for those two to get talking and sort everything out.
'That'll be great, I could really use a second hand' Melissa agrees.
Sean looks over at anjel but anjel doesn't create any eye contact with Sean. This is going to be a very awkward night.

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