Hypnos - Chapter 22

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'You are soooooo silly!' Daphnes laughs echo throughout the whole lounge.

I groan at the sight of her intoxicated. I shouldn't of let her drink this much. Now I got to pay the prices with a drunk, irritated daphne.

'I mean come on! Who the hell cheats on their fiancé with a nobody!?' She throws herself on the couch as her laughs get louder each time.

Even when she's drunk, the words coming out of her mouth annoys me. She claims she's a nobody, that's the furthest thing from the truth.

'I shouldn't of let you drink' I swipe my thumb across my bottom lip. 'No no no! I am an adult. You cannot tell me what to do' she yells.
I look around to see if anyone comes inside. With daphne being this drunk and loud, I won't be surprised if they hear her from the outside.

There's only a few minutes till the suite is ready. Once it is, I need to take her straight to bed.
'Anjel..' daphnes wobbling voice comes out in a luring tone. 'Yes angé?'
'Stop calling me that crap!' She stomps her foot on the marble floor. 'Why do you even call me that? I'm not your angel' her voice instantly goes low. I can tell her emotions are mixing a lot with the words she's coming out with. She will regret this all in the morning, but for now...I'll have to deal with it.

'You're my Angel'
'No I'm not! Clarissa is your angel' her voice increases back to yelling. I sit beside her, holding onto her to stop her from moving any further. She's too intoxicated to be trusted to move around.

'Let me go! Do not touch me' she tries to bat my hands away but I don't let go. I refuse to.

'I said let me go!' Her hands start flying onto my chest, hitting me weakly with the drunken power she has in her body. 'You're drunk angé'
'I am not drunk, I know what I'm doing now let me go!' Her hair flies over her face.

Her face now covered up with dark strands of her silky locks. I try to pull away her hair off her face whilst keeping her still with my other hand. However, I don't need to keep her still. As soon as I touch her face, she stays frozen.

I put her hair behind her ear, letting her face reveal slowly once all the strands are away from her face.
Her eyes are the only thing I search from her whole face.
Her eyes are my favourite. They're glossy and bright. Soft yet sinful. They lure me in like no other eyes do.
I trace my thumb on her eyelids, she instantly closes her eyes, reminiscing every moment.
Her lips are swollen. They're the colour of cherries.
In this exact moment, she makes me favour cherries.

Her body feels light in my arms. I watch as her doe eyes reopen to look back at me. 'Anjel...' her voice comes out in a whisper.
'Angé' I reply back.

Her smell is intoxicating. She smells like honey mixed with bitter whiskey. I never thought I could be so drawn into an individual other than Clarissa, but here I am, noting down all the things that make me addicted to her.

The lounge door opens with a knock beforehand.
'Sir-' when the man sees me holding daphne in my arms he looks down at the floor.
'I'm sorry for disturbing. I would just like to say that your suite is ready' he doesn't look up at me.
'Thank you'
He nods and rushes out of the room face down.

'Come on angé, let's get you to bed' I try lift her up from the couch.
'Nooooo. I don't want to sleep' she moans.
'You will thank me later'
'Im never thankful' she giggles, flopping her body side to side like a child high on sugar. 'I know that' I smile at her drunken humour.

I'm not sure if I can handle her sober behaviour better or her drunken behaviour. Either way, she's a lot to handle. A challenge is the word. I'm a man up for any challenge, but I must admit that this woman is my favourite challenge.

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