Escape room - Chapter 17

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My body is sunken into the bed, ready to fall into a deep hibernation, but my mind is still on full of rage. How long will it take till I fall asleep if I keep my eyes closed?
Soon I'll forget about everything and doze off into a dream, I'll just wait.

I turn around to my left side. Nope.
I turn to my right side. No.
I turn to lay on my back. No!

God! Is it so hard to just fall asleep?!
I hate this. I hate that I knew what I was getting myself into yet I still went forward with it. It affecting me enough to lose sleep over it.

This is the second time I slept with anjel. Most definitely the last time too.
I never waited for him to give me the princess treatment after we had sex, but this is definitely not what i expected either. How can he just be so...cold? Heartless, despicable. I don't understand.
Did I do something wrong? Did I show too much emotion?

My eyes blink open. I'm never going to fall asleep when I'm overthinking this much.
I knew I should've left the moment I said so. But no.
Stupid me fell for his words. When I mean fell I mean love. I loved how he stopped me from leaving, how he kissed me in order for me to stay. At the same time I should've known that this is all his games. He shows affection, gets what he wants, then vanishes.
I don't care if he leaves after sex. It's the fact that I look stupid for believing he's finally being affectionate.
Im laughable. He definitely thinks I'm some easy girl he can just show attention then fuck later on. I showed him that.

I've always had boundaries with men and my body. So why did I break all my boundaries for him?
I have some sort of twisted attachment towards him that I can't explain nor do I want to understand.

After me and anjel had sex, he completely disappeared.
I never heard from him after. It's been a couple hours but I feel a dark pit in my stomach about this whole situation. I asked pelican if he saw anjel but all he did was reply with a quick 'he'll be back' .
Like what the fuck is that supposed to mean?!

I'm more angry than upset. He did the same thing to me last time, when we first had sex. He just left and acted cold the rest of my time here.
Now I'm expecting him to do the same once again.

I remove the soft blanket off my body, getting out of the bed to go downstairs. Maybe he's back from wherever he went to. Probably to see his fiancé. Although, I can't blame him for that because I'm the other woman. Maybe I shouldn't blame anyone else other than myself for all of this fucked up mess. I got dragged into this house and created a mayhem that I will never get rid of.

I walk down the freezing hallway covered in marble floors, only a few inches of the hallways has rugs on the floor, other than that, is it pure cold stone. Maybe it sets the vibe of this house? Cold and twisted. I go down to the living room and again, Anjel is no where to be found and I doubt he will be in the kitchen at this time either. From what I'm guessing it's probably 4am. The black sky outside tells it all.
'Miss?' Pelicans voice creeps up from behind me.
I turn around startled from his presence. 'Pelican. You scared me' I breathe in a deep breath. I turn my body around fully to face him. Even though he's been working for 20 hours he still looks like he has energy.
Crisp, clean and cut. Though, pelican looks like he doesn't bother with much, his face is always straight.
'Is everything alright?' He gets straight to the point.
No pelican. Everything is not alright. I would say but I'd rather act like everything is good.
'Everything is fine, I was just going to get some water' I lie. He nods in response then gives me a look, in a way to tell me if I need anything I can always go to him.
I turn around to walk away but I stop mid way.
'Hey, pelican?' I keep my back faced to him.
He stays silent. 'Do you know where-'
'Sir hasn't come back yet' he cuts me off. He somehow knew I was going to ask about anjel. 'Do you know when he will?' I ask my question fully this time. 'He has advised me not to talk to you about his whereabouts' his voice cuts cold, just like the way the cold is cutting into my heart right now.

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