Hell home - Chapter 13

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TW: Rape, SA


'What the fuck are you doing here?!' I hear a piercing shout come from the living room.

I groan a deep sigh as I leave the kitchen to go to where the sound is coming from. Knowing exactly who's voice is echoing through my walls, I need strength to prepare for the fight she's willing to put.

'Why the hell are you still here!?' Her voice projects louder the more closer I get to the living room.

The scene of Clarissa and Daphne face to face comes into view. Clarissa looks like she could attack Daphne any second, but Daphne doesn't look like she's about to lose another fight, she stands tall and confident.
It's impressive how she can seem so confident even when Clarissa caused her to be scarred the way she is now.

My footsteps are heard from both of them once I step into the living room. Both of them whip their heads to me. Clarissa wants Daphne gone and Daphne probably want to be gone too, but that's not happening on my watch.

'Clarissa' i walk up to Clarissa, standing behind her incase she tries to throw a fit and attack Daphne again.

Daphne is still not healed, her stitches are visible to the eye, yet she wears them like it's a crown.

'You kept her here, In our home?!' Clarissa turns her head to face me. She's in full rage. I've seen Clarissa in rage before but this rage is nothing compared to any of her others.

'You fucking liar! You said she will stay at a hotel'
I roll my eyes and grab Clarissa's hand as soon as I see it raise a little.

I lied to Clarissa. I told her Daphne will be taken care of at a hotel. I knew if I told her Daphne is staying here she would throw a fit. And I was right.

I find the way to pull Clarissa aside and speak to her. She's still fuming but seems like she's gathered all her emotions in.

'Clarissa what are you doing here?' I ask, not being able to face her.
She scoffs in disbelief as she tries to catch a view of my face. 'What am I doing here? This is my home' I can tell the hurt in her voice, and the fact that I'm avoiding to look at her is no help to how she's feeling already.

'I told you to stay at the hotel until everything has calmed down' I stare at the vase on-top of the hallway table. It's the only way I can avoid physically communicating with her.
'You won't even look at me' she says in a low tone.
A few seconds of silence pass before she takes in a huge sigh, I feel like I can already tell what she's going to say but I wait for her to talk instead.
'You slept with her didn't you?' She asks through choked up tears. Clarissa rarely cries and when she does, that's when I know she's hurt.
I hate that I've hurt her this way. She's my love, the one and only. Everyone knows us as the power couple in the mafia world, but I can't keep acting like there isn't a burden in our lives that is poking every part of our problems.

I don't know how to answer her question. There's only one way she will react. She will scream, shout, kick, cry. All the above. But I know she won't leave.

'That doesn't matter' I avoid all aspects to avoid that question. 'Is this-' she takes in a huge breath. However, I don't know wether it's to calm herself down from throwing a fit or if it's to put the fact that I cheated on her all behind us.
'Is this because of what happened five years ago?'

I'll be honest. I forgot that even happened but now that she's mentioned it loud and clear, I remember everything.

Five years ago;

I hear banging coming from my bedroom. It's not a normal type of bang. I know exactly what it is, because moans is following right behind it. I'm back from my fathers office, and after the usual argument I had with him over his legacy and how I'm too weak to ever be the man he is, all I want to do is see Clarissa.
The more I step closer to the hallway leading to my bedroom the louder the moans get. I don't have no one but Clarissa and my brother Sean living with me.
If leonardo brang a girl into my house and lead her into my bedroom for a sneaky fuck whilst I was gone, I will shoot a bullet through his fine skull. I don't fuck with dirty bed sheets. The smell of the sweat never leaves. Call me OCD, but the thought of sleeping in the same bed my brother fucked a girl in, disgusts me.
I sigh and bring my foot closer to my bedroom door, bracing myself to see exactly the image I'm imagining in my head.
I open my bedroom door in a force. The burst of the door makes the handle hit the wall which only leaves a huge crack to later fix. a warning should be made if I'm going to catch my brother in the act, am I right?
'In my bedroom again, Sean?' I walk further in expecting the view of Sean on-top of a girl to come into view, instead I'm face to face with Sean...on-top of a girl, but not just any girl. It's Clarissa. Both of their heads turn to my sight. I see the shocks in their faces before Clarissa throws Sean off of her.
The left side of my body twitches as the right side stays deadly still. I feel the rush of cold blood run through me.
Everything feels rushed, because when I come to consciousness I see Clarissa on her knees in-front of me, with sheets wrapped around her. 'Anjel, he forced me! He forced to have sex with me, I never wanted him. I swear I told him to stop but he wouldn't'
Her words come out one after another, it's all word vomit. She's hysterical on the floor, grabbing the silk sheet wrapped around her like she's ashamed.
Her words sound muffled, yet all I can do is listen.
'What the fuck. Woman, don't use my name as a rapist. Anjel, bro. She's fucking lying. I would never force-'
Before he could say anything more I connect my fists to his jaw.
I hear a crack follow after the punch. My rage will never end nor will my need to keep hitting him. He touched my girl. Forcefully.
'You will die, slowly and painfully brother' I spit at him in a smirk. I hear Clarissa's loud cries as she begs me to stop but I chose not to hear it. 'Anjel! She's fucking lying, I never got onto her like that, I would never. You know me' he puts an arm between me and him to stop me from coming any closer to him but I'm stronger than he will ever be.
'Leave my house. If I see you anywhere near me or Clarissa. I will end you'
'Bro, I never forced myself on her-' he cries out the words in desperation. Pathetic. I throw another punch on his nose and the sight of his pretty face turns into a bloodied mess.
'Do you hear me!?'
'Yes..yes' the corners of his mouth splatter in blood the more he shivers from fear. He should fear me. As long as he's living and around me, he should fear me until his death date is due.
I let go of his head and watch as he rushes out of the bedroom naked. Clarissa is still on the floor crying, she doesn't lift up her face but I see the way her eyes and lips are puffed up.
I walk towards her and bend down to her level. I lift her chin up and rub my thumb across her cheek.
'You're safe' I whisper, giving her forehead a soft kiss.
'Thank you' she hiccups in small sobs.
The image of Clarissa being taken advantage of doesn't leave my head. I might've let leo go, but this is not the last of me. He will never be safe as long as I'm alive. He will pay for what he did to my woman.
'You are safe' I say, promising her.


'No' I say.
'Then what is it? You slept with her for what?!' She throws a small punch on my chest expecting me to budge, but when I show no emotions she just looks away in disbelief. A few seconds of silence pass and when non of us decide to speak, Clarissa just turns around and leaves. The slam of the door echos through the whole house and I'm left with nothing but questions.

What am I doing?

I've been with Clarissa since we were teenagers, but I'm risking it all for a woman I met in the alleyway a week ago. In my mind I keep telling myself it's not worth it, but I can't stop thinking about Daphne. Every moment I have with her feels like a life my mother always wanted for me.

A normal life.

Daphne doesn't find the need to have luxury, she finds fun in little things. I've never been used to that, especially with Clarissa by my side.

Yes. I fucked daphne, but do I even call it a fuck?
That night my intentions were simple. Fuck and leave.
But something happened that night that altered every meaning to my aim.

It felt right. Sex with Daphne...felt right.

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