Lovers suckers - chapter 2

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'Are you just going to stand there?' He huffs an irritated sigh.

'Yes, I refuse to go inside that house' I stand still in my place with my arms crossed. I refuse to move from here to there.
'Your childish behaviour doesn't affect me sweetie'
The nerve of this guy. Not only do I not know who he is but he also has the audacity to kidnap me and bring me to his home. What psycho brings a person they kidnap to their house?!

'Let me go and I'll come back tomorrow morning' I say. Obviously I wasn't thinking to come back. As soon as I'm out of this place I will go straight to the police.
'You are funny after all' he walks ahead, disappearing into the large mansion.

I know I said this guy is no way in hell rich as he assumes to be, but I think I'm wrong. He definitely is rich, Or it could just be his daddy's money.
'You should go in, before you freeze to death' a bulky man comes from behind me, walking ahead inside the building the other man just went into.
Safe to say I still don't know that man's name, non of the other men inside his car even mentioned his name, they just called him 'boss'.

I look up at the dark sky then around me. The gates we went in from is closed and I can't even imagine climbing over from there without being staked in my stomach.
I'm alone once again, it's surprising how they all left without a worry that I might escape. Maybe because they know I can't escape. It's impossible. The walls are too high and broad, and the gate is humongous with no way of surviving climbing over it.
I want to scream my head off so bad but I'm afraid if I do I might trigger these bulky men. Last thing I want is to be killed.

I walk inside the huge house, surrounded by everything high maintenance. I'm convinced this house is everything futuristic. It definitely looks like it.
I would be surprised if I didn't see other houses like this before, however this house tops all the houses I've been to. It's beautiful inside out. This got me questioning how I ended up in a place like this when I'm the one that's been kidnapped? Doesn't the kidnapper usually keep you in a rotten basement somewhere downtown?
Should I even count myself as being kidnapped?
It's been only a few minutes and I'm already searching for answers on why I'm here. I already told him I won't tell anyone about what I whitenessed, but I don't think that's what he even fears. He mentioned earlier how he wanted me to come for another reason, yet he still hasn't mentioned what.
"You seem fun", my ass! I might be wearing a dress right now but I look no way like a hooker.

Oh my god. Is he thinking to have sex with me?! Would I even be okay with that? I mean yeah he's attractive and all, but I haven't even had sex with my boyfriend of 2 years. Well...ex boyfriend. Maybe if I have sex with someone more attractive than Chet it might trigger a bone in him. God what am I even thinking, This is absurd! I'm not having sex with no one! Maybe I'll even die a virgin, who knows.

'Who the fuck are you?' I jump in shock for a split second before turning my head around to a blonde woman standing on the stone staircase.
She looks very young, maybe around late 20s, I don't know but she's beautiful indeed. Was she kidnapped and forced to stay here too?.

At this point I won't be surprised if this is house is a play boy mansion in disguise.

'I'm-' I open my mouth to speak but I instantly get cut off by someone coming down from the stairs.
It's that man. He slowly walks down to the blonde woman and slides his hands onto her waist.
'Baby, who is this?' Her tone changes into sweet instantly.
I stand still, confused on who the hell she is and what the hell I'm supposed to do now that I'm inside this house.
The man doesn't let his eyes leave me, I felt somewhat nervous from the way he's looking at me, likes he's about to eat me up.

He tilts his head gently to the woman and whispers in her ear, the girls face goes shocked then she looks back at me in a scowl. 'Can I just kill her and we can get it over with?' She asks the man. My eyes widen at her sentence.
Are they thinking to kill me now that I'm here?
'No one is killing her. She will stay here for a while then we will pattern her up a bit and she will leave without talking a word to anyone from the outside, am I right daphne?' He winks at me with a disturbing smile stuck on his face. The woman beside him laughs, throwing her hand on his chest playfully.
How did I end up in a house full of creeps, and how the fuck does he know my name?!

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