Say you wont let go - Chapter 26

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I never thought laying in bed doing nothing would be this sweet.

Anjel beside me, his arms wrapped around my shoulders with his hands entangling with mine.

I must've died whilst he was fucking me because I still cannot believe this is true and happening.
I never thought I'd ever be in his arms and talking about random things about each other. It seems too good to be true.

'I like mint chocolate chip'

I cringe at this confession.

For the past 3 hours, we've been talking about our likes and dislikes. I's cringe.
But I'm swooning over it.

'How? Mint chocolate chip is pure toothpaste'
I say, staring at our hands as they hold each others.
'I think it's great. Mint helps with headaches'
His other hand goes to rub his forehead before resting back on the bed.

We both go quiet for a while, just sitting down and watching our hands slowly move together.

The city lights beam from outside the window. I look over at anjel and smile. He doesn't smile back which makes my smile fade. Is this the moment he realises he doesn't want this anymore and leaves?

He then let's go of my hand and brings my face closer to his. Our lips inches apart until he places a soft kiss on my lips. I instantly melt.

My hands go to his face, my thumb moving along his jaw, caressing slowly.

His hands move to my thighs, with one swift move he gently brings me onto his lap. I gasp when his teeth latches onto my bottom lip and brings me in closer to him...

A loud ringing noise echos throughout the room. I push away from him in a shriek and look at him as he stares back at me with a stressed look on his face.
From the way he's looking at me I can tell that his fiancé is calling him. I bite my bottom lip and roll off of him.
I get out of the bed and walk to the bathroom as he answers his phone. I should probably give him privacy...

Although, I am intrigued.

'Hello?' His voice goes hushed when I enter the bathroom. I stand next to the bathroom door where he won't see me and eavesdrop on his conversation.

All I can question is wether she knows he's with me.

I's bad. I probably shouldn't do this. I'm usually a girls girl, but it feels too good to reject.

'I'm still in staten island'

'No...she's not with me'

He lying.

'Stop being clingy, I told you I'm alone' he huffs deeply.

'What is it?'

I bite my thumb, wanting to know more about what she's saying on the other line, but that's impossible.


I didn't realise it's gone silent until I snap back into eavesdropping.

Did he hang up the phone?
Or maybe he realised I'm eavesdropping and is coming here? I feel like I could sweat my ass off right now. I feel nervous and I don't even know why.

'Ok. I'll be there in a few hours..'

I take a sigh of relief when I hear his voice again.
Now I'm thinking about what she said that made him go silent...especially if he's saying he's leaving to be there in a few hours.

Another silence.
This time I know he's hung up the phone.
I quickly step away from the door and close it slightly to make it seem less suspicious that I was eavesdropping.

I stand in-front of the sink and act like I'm looking at myself until Anjel walks into the bathroom.
I look at him from the mirror and smile.

'Angé?' He smirks at me from the door of the bathroom.
'Nice to see you again' I say sarcastically to make it seem less awkward for myself.
'I need to leave' he says as expected.
'Is everything alright?' I try to put on the clueless act.
'Something happened, I need to be back in Manhattan by the morning'

I suck in my bottom lip and nod.
I'm disappointed that he's leaving soon, especially now that things have been good and ripe between us.
'How long will you be gone for?' I ask, as if I didn't tell him to fuck off a day ago.
He smirks and walks behind me. He wraps his arms around my waist, then looks at me from the mirror.
'I'll be back in a few days' he winks reassuringly at me.
I look at him in a worried expression.

What if he doesn't return?

A few days ago, that's all I could've wished for. For him to leave me alone and to never see him again. Now it feels different.

'I'll be back, angé...I promise' he kisses the top of my head.

'Don't promise' i say.
His lips curl into a smirk. 'Why not?'
'Because I don't trust you yet' I roll my eyes playfully.
He chuckles, turning me around to face him.
'What can I do to gain your trust?' He looks down at me with dilated pupils.
I stay quiet. I don't have an answer for his question.
I don't think there's anything he can do to gain my trust, simply because I don't think I will ever trust him.

The sad reality.

His smirk drops and his eyes go back to the emerald green that they are. 'I need to go now. The cleaners are going to your house in the morning, stay here till it's safe to go' he kisses me one last time before leaving the bathroom.

I turn back around to the mirror and look at myself. I stare at my face and my swollen red lips. My fingers go to touch my lips, skimming the soft skin. I take in a deep breath and hope that anjel does come back.
I'm hoping he doesn't go back to his old ignorant ways once he's with Clarissa. If he does, I don't know how I will feel. Knowing that no matter what I will go back to him because I'm now emotionally attached to him.

I have morals, but it doesn't mean I don't break them all the time. If anjel really means what he said, then he will come back. Nothing stops him from doing what he wants to do, I've seen it from the way he came all the way down here to get me. If he doesn't come, that means he didn't want to. Then I will end up being used...again.

I go back into the room, watching him as he gets dressed. I sit on the side of the bed with so many worries running through my head.

His eyes dart to me, he walks towards me and kisses my cheek softly. 'See you soon, angé'
The hotel door opens and shuts quickly.

I'm left alone in this empty hotel room full of fancy furniture. It's starting to feel haunting the more I think about all the things me and anjel did in this room.
I lay on the bed and curl into a ball. I close my eyes, thinking about what could've been this major that he had to leave in a rush. Now that I'm thinking of it, I probably shouldn't exaggerate. At the end of the day she is the fiancé. Whatever she wants always goes above my needs.

When have I ever been this selfish?
I can't even think straight anymore. My head is a running chaos.

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