Say it - Chapter 25

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Maybe I shouldn't of said love.

I don't make love. I can feel it, but I can't perform it.
Even with Clarissa. Our sex life hasn't been nothing but a fuck. Needless to say, I don't think I've ever made love with anyone. Not even with the woman I actually love.

I look down at daphne. Her cheeks flushed red.
Her face printed with a surprised look.
I feel every need in me to give her my all. I never had a high school first love, but if I did, Daphne would be the easiest way I could describe that highschool first love.

I'm not a man who describes his feelings, since I've always been brought up to hide whatever I feel.
With daphne it's different. I try to run away from her in order to stop myself from attaching myself to her but I don't know how much longer I can go without explaining to her how I feel.

Today, for the first time in my life I opened up.
I told her how she makes me feel. I could tell she didn't expect it, fuck, I don't even think I expected it, but what did I do right after? I left without saying anything because that's what I do. I leave when I feel subjected to feelings. It's like running before the bomb explodes.

After I told daphne I want to make love to her, she simply didn't say nothing. I took control like the dominant fuck I am and led her to the bed.

Now, We both lay on the bed, naked. Her eyes keep darting to me every second to see if I'm going to do anything. It's like she's expecting me to switch back to my dominant side any second.

Who knows, maybe I will.

I place soft kisses on her chest until I go down to her inner thighs. Every kiss I place on her soft skin makes her flinch a little bit until she's used to it.
I look up at her with my face buried inbetween her thighs. Her eyes full of anticipation as she waits for the moment my tongue swipes against her swollen clit.

I place my thumb on her pussy and spread her wet folds wide until I have a view of her glistening flesh.
I said this woman makes me crazy, that's because of how aroused she can get for me with just one kiss.

I dip my head closer to her dripping pussy, her breathing becomes heavier the closer she feels me near her cunt.

I restrain myself from saying something that's anything but romance. Tonight will be the night I unveil my true feelings for daphne.

It's not love, but it's something much more deeper than that.

I swipe my tongue across her entrance before finding my way to her clit. Her body vibrates as she feels me suck onto her sensitive flesh.
Her legs lift up slightly to balance her shaking body.
I pin her legs down and open her thighs wider.
There's no escape from me anymore angé.

I swirl my tongue on her clit until I can feel her juices flowing down her pussy to the sheets.
My lips curl into a greedy smirk when I feel her cunt heat up from her orgasm rolling through her whole body in a ungodly manner. Her back arches and her head falls back onto the pillow, exposing her neck in a way that makes me want to suck every part of her body so that I could leave my marks.

In this moment I feel selfish. I don't want any other man touching her or making her feel the way I do.
Although, I don't think they can.
Daphne is mine. My Angé.
If anything, she is loyal to me and me only.

I lift my head up from inbetween her thighs and watch as her head lifts up to meet my gaze.
Her eyes are full of light as she waits for me to do my next movement. Your wish is my demand, angé.

I bring myself up towards her. I look down at her face which is lit up by the city lights coming through the window and shining right on the right places. She's bewildering me, I don't know what else to do.

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