Going for the kill - Chapter 4

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I've been in this room for what feels like a whole day!
I would come out, if it wasn't for my tantrum earlier on.
Im usually quiet and shut down but I mean come on, I've been kidnapped and no one will even speak to me decently. I've been treated like shit the whole day since I've been here. Not to mention the thing that happened this morning. I still feel like no matter how clothed I am around him, he still knows what I look like naked.

I had breakfast served to my room a few hours ago. The most I can do is at least be grateful that they don't starve me to death.

Todays aim is to search the whole house. I don't know what I'm looking for, but I need anything to help me escape this house. Maybe I'll end up shutting down the security cameras and escape without them catching me.
Or maybe I can find a secret way to escape without getting gate daggers to stab me.

I creak open the door and peak out my head to check if anyone is around or passing by.

Coast is clear.

I take a step forward and slowly creep around the house, making sure that I don't make the slightest noise. This man has a billion body guards in the house, I can't risk getting caught.

I come to a hallway with a bunch of doors that all look the same. I wonder if any of them have a balcony I can escape from. My bedrooms balcony door is sealed shut, they probably know I will try to escape so they jammed it. Typical.

I go to open one of the doors but the knob doesn't turn.

It's locked.

I slowly walk towards the other door. That one is also locked. At this point I'm losing my patience.
Does this man keep all the doors locked when he's alone too? Talk about extra security.

There's one more door to go, this time I need to be extra careful. I heard a few voices near and I'm really not trying to get caught. I turn the door knob so slow that it takes me a minute to fully turn it.
The door opens. Finally!
My heart starts to race in anticipation as I open the door wide and step inside a dark room.

It's so dark in the room that the only light source coming from the hallway doesn't help either.
I step inside and close the door behind me even though I'm left in nothing but a dark cold room. It smells almost dusty in here, like nobody's gone in this room for a long time.

I touch the walls to try find a light switch. After seconds of searching I finally touch something on the wall that feels like a light switch, I turn it on and watch as the whole room lights up.


I suck in a deep breath as I scan the room. Side by side, corner to corner.

This room is very.....ancient.

When I mean ancient, I mean very old. Without sounding exaggerated, this room is so old and untouched that the dust is visibly floating in the air making the surrounding look grey.

I wave my hand around to shoo away any dust floating in-front of my face before stepping closer into the room.

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