Hear it - Chapter 9

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I'm in my car driving to wherever my fiancé is. She's out shopping but I need to go see her. I can't stand another minute in that house alone with Daphne.

'Hey baby' Clarissa's voice comes through my phone.
'Where are you?' I ask straight away
'I'm at the mall, why?' She replies back, her voice sounds suddenly concerned. I can tell she senses my tension.
'Stay where you are, I'm coming' I say, before she can say another word I shut the phone.

I already have Clarissa's location, just in case, so it will be easy finding her inside the mall.
When I check her location it says she's at the Rolex store. Of course, now that she has my card she can go spend it on anything. That's what she does once a week. She takes my card and goes out to spoil herself, I allow her because she's my fiancé. My fiancé can spend as much of my money as she likes. I have enough to spare.

I arrive to the mall, first thing I do is go straight to Rolex to find Clarissa.
I spot her through the window of Rolex sitting down on the arm chair talking with the salesman. She's making a purchase, I can tell from the Rolex bag sitting on the table packed and ready to go.

One thing about Clarissa is that: she loves riches, luxury and money. Anything that pampers her warms her heart.
She's more happy when shopping than she is when we do something simple for once.

When she moved in with me, she suggested my cook do gourmet meals. It was off putting at first, but I soon got used to it. Anything that makes her happy makes my life 10x more peaceful.

I go inside the store. Usually they check you out on their list but i made plenty of purchases here before so the guard already knows who I am. He bows down before opening the door to let me in. I watch Clarissa's smile grow when she sees me. she stand up and rushes towards me, flinging her arms around my neck. She pulls me into a deep kiss, I lose myself completely when her lips melt into mine.

'Then don't stop fucking it'

I open my eyes instantly. I push Clarissa away from me.
Her face flashes in confusion yet hurt. I see the way she looks at me, she wants answers. But I can't give any.
'What the hell was that?' She raises an eyebrow at me.
'The man is waiting' I say clear my throat.

I'm tired. I'm never tired.

I'm tired of keep seeing Daphne when I'm with Clarissa. Im tired from hearing daphnes voice when I'm Fucking Clarissa. Im just tired.

I don't like Daphne. She's the last woman I'd ever like. She is purely unlikeable. Yet I can't get her out of my head for just a second. It's triggering my everyday life at this point. I've never felt like this before, not even when I first met Clarissa. Neither did I feel like this when I fucked Clarissa for the first time. So what makes that unlikeable woman so different?

'Ma'am, your card has gone through. Please sign the papers' the salesman says from behind us. Clarissa nods at the man then looks back at me. She flashes me a stare but I can't keep my eye contact with her without thinking about Daphne so I'd rather just look away.

I'm not down bad, I'm just confused that's all. I haven't slept with another woman for almost six years. I don't know if it's the guilt or if it's something else, all I know is that I need to find a way to get Daphne out of my thoughts. The only way I can do that is by getting rid of her fair and square. I knew that if I gave her the task to seduce then kill John, she will either end up being killed or leaving for good. Either way I don't care. I just want her gone.

If she succeeds in killing John then she has the permission to leave for good. However if she dies in the process then she's gone for good.

I will make sure she has all the skills to kill a man. She doesn't know how to even use a gun which is typical since she's never been in trouble once in her life.
I can tell she hasn't. She's just a ordinary girl in Brooklyn with a bum of a boyfriend who apparently she never let him fuck her once in her life.
It's an honour knowing that she let me fuck her in a matter of a day of knowing her.

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