XO - Chapter 34

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I would recognise that brown hair from a mile away. It was not hard to realise who she was from the back of her head or from the way her hair looks silky smooth even in dim lighting.

I have no idea what she's doing in this club. I want to grab her by the arm and drag her back home but I made it clear to Joe that I don't know who daphne is. I have no intention in revealing any details tonight, even if I want to drag Daphne out of this club.

The closest way I can get near her is by watching her through the security cameras. At least then I will know what goes down.

I don't trust any of the men hanging out in my club. They all have a background of dirty work and especially around women. Joseph is one of them.

The view of Daphne and Joseph is clear. I feel comfort knowing that whatever happens tonight, at least I'm here to save her.

As I sit down on this leather chair, surrounded by large computer screens all around me, I realise one thing. Daphne is becoming awfully close to Joseph.

I watch as her hands go to touch his thigh right before he looks at her with the same look he gives to every girl in the club before fucking them. The blood in my veins start to slowly burn cold, and my temper is becoming more frigid.

She slowly moves her hand up before placing it right on his cock. A small crack comes from my hands and I feel a sharp pain on my palm. I look at my hand and there's a small piece of plastic from the mouse dug into my palm.
I remove the plastic and throw it aside without letting my eyes move away from daphne.

What the fuck does she think she's doing? Is this some sort of jealousy game of hers? If it is, it's fucking working.
I'm about a second away from shooting Joseph in the balls. Just because daphnes hand touched something that isn't me.

'Boss, mr calihan has arrived and is waiting for you in room eight'
My eyes move away from the screen for a second to look at pelican, but when I return to the screen, Daphne is on Joseph's lap and is grinding on his cock with her dress rolled up till her ass is visible.

Fuck that.
I get out of my chair, walking past pelican until the door to the vip lounge is visible.

'Close the security room door' is all I say to pelican. I have no fucking time for calihan or any other shit pelican has got to say. Right now, im on my way to go collect what's mine and take her somewhere where she will be mine once again.

The vip room door is heavy, but it doesn't take me much force for it to slam open. All eyes fix on me but my eyes are only fixed on one person.

She's still on his fucking lap.

There's a sharp twitch on my neck that triggers me to walk up to daphne.
'Get off his fucking lap' I demand, looking down at Daphne as she smirks at me willingly.
'Mr black, what's going on?' Joseph's hands slide up and down daphnes spine. I'm no longer responsible for what I'm about to do.

I grab daphnes arm and pull her beside me before looking into Joseph's eye.
'Get the fuck out of here. You will no longer step inside this vip lounge. Do you hear me?'
'I don't understand, did I do something wrong?' Joseph stands up. His belt unbuckled and dangling on his side.
'Don't make me repeat myself if you wish to live' I threaten. Joseph nods and leaves the lounge in a way that makes me satisfied. He should've worn his running shoes for the way he's running away. Point aside, everyone in this fucking club knows not to mess with 2 things.

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