Feel it - Chapter 10

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I end up taking Daphne back to my house, I can't risk taking her to the hospital knowing that they will ask what happened to her. There is no explanation that can seem believable for the state she is in right now.

I will call a doctor to my house that knows how to keep quiet if he loves his life.

Her wounds are severe. There's many gashes and burns all over her skin, the biggest one is on her waist. It's a deep cut, she would need at least 6 stitches for that. I pressed a clean cloth onto it to stop it from bleeding but the way she's going pale is not a good sign. I can't let her die.

'Call the doctor now!' I demand pelican. He nods and leaves me to take Daphne up to my room.

I place daphne on my bed gently, her wounds staining the sheets blood red.
I sit beside her, stroking her hair to calm her down.
I watch as a single tear rolls down her cheek.
'Shhh it's alright sweetheart' I wipe the tear off her cheek. 'You did this to me' she says in a weak voice.
'I know. I'm-' I take in a deep breath. The words 'I'm sorry' is hard to get out. I don't apologise, I never do.
'I'm going to fix this' I hold her stone cold hand.
'You can't' she tries to take in a deep breath but moans a painful sigh instead. She's in so much pain that she can't breath properly.

Seeing her in this much pain aggravates me. I never wanted to hurt my own lover as much as I did now. I don't give a shit who Clarissa usually hurts but doing this to Daphne...there is nothing that can stop me from hurting Clarissa back. I won't hurt her but I will ruin her.

'She needs to go into surgery, her wounds are severe' the doctor explains. 'I am not taking her to the hospital so do what you can here' the doctor sighs and takes off his glasses. 'If I operate here, it can cause infection throughout her body, she will die if she doesn't go hospital' my nose flare in annoyance. I look over to Daphne laying on the bed, her eyebrows furrowed in pain.

I agree to take her to the hospital, even if it means I'll end up being interrogated, as long as she lives I'm up to face anything.

I make sure that Clarissa is locked in a room not to come out by any means. I made it clear to pelican that if he lets her get out of the bedroom I will enter a bullet in his skull. I can't trust her to leave the house or even the room.

I take Daphne to the hospital, the doctors and nurses shocked by daphnes state when I bring her in. They take her immediately to the emergency room, however they don't let me inside.
'I have to go in'
'I'm sorry sir but you cannot, it is mandatory that you wait outside' the nurse tries to calm me down.
I don't fight against the nurse any longer, I stay outside the emergency room prancing around in hopes that the nurses tell me Daphne is going to be okay.
With every noise that comes from the automatic doors I whip my head towards it, only for it to be nothing but disappointment.

It's been 5 hours and still no update. Daphne has been in the emergency room for 5 hours. My patience is running thin, I'm a few seconds away from breaking down the emergency room door and going next to Daphne.

The nurse from before finally comes out from the emergency room, walking towards me with a sigh.
'We did everything we could but-'
My blood runs cold, I wait for the death news. My whole surrounding starts to fade into black. She's gone.
All because of me.

'She's in a very underlying condition, she needs to stay in the hospital for a few days' she explains. I shake my head instantly. 'Is she all stitched up?' I ask
The nurse nods in reply 'how long will she be here for?' I ask the nurse shrugs 'I will bring the doctor to speak to you about the patient' she replies back, not giving me the answer I was expecting to receive.

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