Kiss and breakup - Chapter 16

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DON'T open the song now.


It takes a few minutes in someone's life to realise which memories are worth making.

It's like deciding wether to jump off a bridge knowing you will land on water. But the decision comes to wether the water is deep enough or shallow. You let someone else dive in before you do, to see if they will survive, and when they do, you jump off the bridge too, no matter how much you fear of injuries.

In this case, I had to know if anjel was willing to risk it. He showed me it's safe, yet in the back of my mind I still knew it wasn't ok.

I sit still on his bed, facing the tall large windows covering the walls. He has the better room in the whole house, which makes sense since he's the owner of this house. I bet Clarissa had a fun time staying here with him.

'You like the view?' anjels voice creeps from behind me.
I look over my shoulder but then turn my head back around to face the window again.
'it's relaxing' I reply back, watching as the city light shine in every corner of my eye.
'It's why I got these windows really big' he continues to speak from behind me, however I can feel his gaze on me. It's like a burning laser on my back.
'Didn't you say everything in this house was big?' I chuckle. 'It is, but specifically...these windows had to be big' I hear his footsteps walk around the bed then right beside me. He takes a seat right beside me. When I turn my head to meet his gaze, I meet with his side profile.
His tattoos darker than usual on his neck, but somehow it's glittering like the lights outside the window.
His jaw finely structured. I watch every part of his face, analysing every detail. From his neck to his hair..he's unspeakably fine. My eyes go to the vein on his neck that just appeared, it wasn't as visible as before.
He knows I'm watching him.

Is he getting nervous?

'If you continue looking at me like that I'll do something I might regret' I instantly turn my gaze back to the window. My cheeks burn with the heat of my embarrassment. Thank god it's dark enough not to notice.

'Startled, Angé?'
'You speak French?' I ask. He sighs a deep breath.
'Not all the time'
I stay silent in order for him to continue.
'My dad was french and my mum was Half Ethiopian half Canadian' I listen carefully to everything he says. 'He hated how I knew more about my moms language than his' From the few seconds I've been listening to this story
Im already starting to feel bad.
'When I turned twenty I started to hate speaking in French. It reminded me of my dad'
I can tell from what he's been saying about his dad that he obviously has some sort of grudge against him, but he still hasn't shared why, and I don't think I should ask either.

'So what does angé mean?' I ask, cutting the awkward silence.

'Angel' he replies back. A sweet smile that I've never seen before creeps up on his lips. Am I daydreaming or does he look more sweet than scary right now?

'You call me angel?' I ask in surprise. Everyday this man surprises me that's for sure, but giving me names In his language makes me questions his intentions.
What does he want from me?

'You don't want me to?'
'No, I'm just wondering..'
'Why what?'
'Why would you call me that?'
As soon as I ask that, he goes mute. He can't even answer me. His hands clench together and that's when I understand he won't give me an answer.
I stand up from the bed, ready to leave. However, his hand grabs my arm to stop me.
He stands up, towering over me whilst his hand is still holding mine. Even if I want to leave, I'm unable to.
His eyes take a look into mine in questions. He's not questioning me, he's questioning himself.

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