The Sun Is Getting Real Low

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Y/N's POV -

I swiftly duck down due to the open windows. I take a quick look around and see that everyone is seated on chairs facing away from the door, which offers me a greater opportunity to surprise them. I quietly crouch over to the door and listen to what they are saying. Must have arrived at the right time. The subject is about me.

Lizzie: "Where's Y/n?"

Kevin: "She's not in this movie."

Scarlett: "What do you mean she's not in this movie? Basically everyone is in this one except her."

Kevin: "Okay, fine, the truth is, she declined this movie. Apparently, she got really busy."

I opened it a little more and sat up. I'm sure Kevin noticed me, but he knew not to say anything just yet.

Rdj: "Too busy to be with her family."

Brie: "Aww, I got so excited once I got the call."

Rdj: "Same. I was going to see my daughter again after two years."

Scarlett: "MY DAUGHTER! We all have missed so much with her."

Tom: "I miss having a sister around."

Kevin: "Don't worry, maybe in next year's movie she will be open to having her part again."

Evans: "I guess you're right."

Scarlett: "It won't be the same."

Lizzie: "It's never the same without her."

Hearing everyone be concerned about not having me on set breaks my heart; I knew they all missed me. I suppose everyone becomes busy, so I gently walk back to make a grand entrance. I completely opened the door to catch everyone's attention.

Y/n: "You all miss me that much."

Lizzie: "Y/n."

Before anyone could say or understand what was going on, Lizzie leaps out of her chair, runs up to me, and wraps me in a big hug, bringing us both to the ground.

Y/n: "Woah... It's good to see you too, Lizzie; thanks for nearly breaking my back."

Lizzie: "I'm sorry, I've just really missed you so much."

Y/n: "I've heard don't worry, I have missed you too."

She chuckled as she got off, providing me with a hand to climb up once I was completely upright. Scarlett pushed everyone over to the side, rushing over to me.

Scarlett: "Look at you. You're so big."

Y/n: "Scarlett. I'm 16, last time you saw me, I was 13."

Scarlett: "I know it's been too long; we were all devastated. Kevin here told us you were too busy in Australia."

Y/n: "You really think I'm going to choose school over you guys? That right there is crazy."

When I eventually broke free from Scarlett, Tom and Rdj approached me with big smiles on their faces.

Y/n: "You miss having a sister around."

Tom: "You heard that."

Y/n: "I heard everything."

Tom: "It's been a minute, Y/l/n."

Y/n: "Yes, I know it's been a while, Holland. Hey, Downey."

Rdj: "My favourite is here."

Y/n: "I knew I was your favourite."

Rdj: "Shut up and get over here."

I parted ways with him and made my way over to Brie, where Evans, Sebsatian, and Chris waited for me to show up.

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