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Chris's Evans POV -

Evans: "We're outside the law on this one."

Stephanie: "Are you sure everyone wants to do this? Once they see you with me, you're all going to be wanted by S.H.I.E.L.D."

Scarlett: "Yeah, well, what else is new?"

Y/n: "We should get moving."

Speakers were going off all around us. I moved to the edge of the wall to see S.H.I.E.L.D. cars surrounding the airport perimeter, with Downey waiting at the bottom of us.

Lizzie: "They're here."

Evans: "Suit Up."

Y/n hurried out to grab a plane so we could have an escape plan, but Downey flew down towards her and blasted it with one of his lasers, causing the plane to crash. Stephanie and I stood behind the wall, waiting for the right moment to approach them. I returned my gaze to Y/n, where I saw Downey dressed in his Iron Man suit, with Brie by his side.

Rdj: "Wow, it's so weird how you run into people at the airport."

Y/n: "Hear me out, Downey, that Doctor, Strucker, he's behind all of this."

Sebastian jumped over a metal container siding, with Downy on the other side.

Stephanie: "What's Happening?"

Evans: "So Far It's only Brie, Downey and Sebastian."

Sebastian: "Y/n."

Y/n: "Sebastian."

Rdj: "Anyway, Ross gave me ten hours. To bring Stephanie in, and he mentioned to bring you and others for not obeying his law, that was six hours ago, so help me out."

Y/n: "No, she does not deserve to be locked up, she was brainwashed."

Rdj: "Your judgement is askew. Your old friend killed innocent people, and you could have been one of them. You're lucky you're still alive."

Y/n: "I was like her, I almost killed Lizzie, and yet you still have hatred towards her."

Maria: "Y/n... You know what's about to happen; do you really want to punch your way out of this one?"

Rdj: "ALRIGHT! I've run out of patience, underoos!"

I couldn't tell what was going on after Robert called out to Tom. Stephanie was about to leave, but I grabbed her and shook my head, begging her to wait a few minutes.

Rdj: "Nice Job, Kid."

Tom: "Thank you, you know I could have done better with the landing and stuff, but I'll work on it."

Rdj: "ok. not now, Tom, not now."

Tom: "Y/n, glad to see you again. I missed you heaps."

Rdj: "We'll talk about that later."

Y/n: "You've been busy."

Rdj: "And you've been a complete idiot. Dragging in Chris, I'm trying... I'm trying to keep you from tearing everyone apart."

Y/n: "You did that when you chose the wrong side."

Rdj: "Alright, we're done. YOUR GONNA TURN PARKER OVER NOW! You're going to come with us now, because it's us... Come on"

Lizzie: *Comms: Guys, I found another jet; we can take it, but it's on the other side, which the others are on.*

Y/n: "Alright, Captain."

Stephanie: "That's your Cue."

I got between the bars in the parking lot, aiming my shield at Downey and Brie, not wanting to hit them with a simple warning shot to scare them off.

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