Arrow Bracelet

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Every one of them followed Lizzie down the hall to the library as Rdj stopped me from getting everyone's attention as well.

Rdj: "You all realise the stones aren't here; they're all in another universe, right?"

Lizzie: "Yeah, I know."

Rdj: "Well, how can we travel if we don't have something to travel in?"

Chris: "The jet?"

Evans: "No, we need something bigger."

Scarlett: "Like a time machine."

Rdj: "Exactly!"

Maria: "Where on earth are we going to find a time machine?"

Brie: "That's definitely impossible."

Y/n: "It's not actually; I know where we can get one."

Tom: "Where?"

Y/n: "Any of you watched Ant-Man?"

Some of them responded with a little no, while others shook their heads. I was certain that Scott and Hope would come through for us in a time machine. Downey and Scarlett kept staring at me, expecting for me to say something more, but I was too preoccupied figuring out where they "were," which was "California."

Sebastian: "Is she just going to stand there or... is she going to tell us where?"

Maria: "I think she's just going to..."

Y/n: "California."

Chris: "Huh?"

Y/n: "It's hard to explain; meet me on the jet in five; Downey, come with me."

I did not allow anyone to say anything. I had to maintain my concentration. Downey was dragged to the shed by me, holding his wrist, so we could start the jet up. As the ramp falls to the floor, I press the jet's side button. He settles into the pilot's seat, waiting for an explanation, as Downey and I continue on our way.

Y/n: "Friday, set destination to California."

Friday: "Destination has been set, Miss. Stark."

Rdj: "Slow down, kid, why are we going to California?"

Y/n: "Remember Paul Rudd, or should I say Scott Lang?"

Rdj: "Yeah, everyone knows Paul Rudd; he filmed the Civil War with us; why?"

Y/n: "Since he is knowledgeable in all forms of teleportation, he can assist us in figuring out how to get to the stones. All we have to do is construct or take any necessary action to get there. Locate the stone placement spot, go there, retrieve the stones, snap your finger, and we're back in our reality in no time."

Rdj: "Y/n, your genius."

Y/n: "Sorry, I didn't hear that. What did you just call me?"

Rdj: "I'm not repeating myself, but I see where you're going with this."

Lizzie: "What if he can't help?"

Y/n: "OMG, Lizzie Don't sneak up on me like that; you're all ready."

Lizzie: "Sorry."

Y/n: "But he might; I have a feeling that this is going to work out exactly how I'm planning it, so everyone sit your asses down; we're going to California."

Evans: "Well, you heard the kid. Let's go."

While everyone else reclined back in their seats, taking in the view and chatting with each other, Evans and Downey sat at the front, this time in control of the wheel. I sat down in the chair far away from everyone else using the laptop, and I went through a few things until I clicked on the programme and saw that it was the calendar for the first time, showing the date for April 14, 2019. I froze, sitting there in the chair, staring blankly at the computer, and shutting out all of the nearby voices. I left on October 7, 2017, to go film. How is it possible? My breathing became more laboured the longer I looked at the screen. When I did eventually look up, I noticed that everything was spinning. I tried to approach someone by pushing the laptop to the side, getting up, and trying to support myself. I was having trouble breathing and hearing. I continued walking for a few more steps until I lost my balance, fell to the ground, and was rendered unconscious.

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