Disappear and Never speak

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Third POV -

5 Months Later

After five months, nothing has changed, and things are back to how they were. After taking a few months off to grieve her internal pain and loneliness, Y/n returned to school. On some days, she would find it so hard that she would spend the entire day and night in bed looking through all of the pictures and videos she had of her family; on other days, she would contemplate calling Lizzie or Scarlett but would never gather the courage to do so.

Y/n became tired of the four walls and the constant overthinking after a month. She had to leave, but she was afraid someone would see her and post it online, She didn't want that to happen. She was fortunate that, to her great relief, nobody had put anything up when she first started school. After returning to school, Y/n picked up some of her subjects again, like drama, English, maths, and photography, all the way through Year 11. Rather than seek out new friends, she made the decision to keep to herself. Her former friends have all grown up, gone off to university, or begun their ideal careers. Each day proceeded in the same way. One morning, while Y/n was frantically searching her house, she came to realise that the necklace she was wearing was the one and only Arrow necklace—her mother had given it to her before she left for the Quantum realm. She suspected that, without noticing it, she might have dropped it at school or packed it away. She wasn't sure when she had worn it last, so it might have fallen off when she leapt from Vormir or became misplaced when she arrived back, but she knew it was missing, potentially forever! All she had left that brought back memories of her mother was that arrow necklace.

Y/n realised she might be late for the bus as she glanced down at her phone. She headed up the street in the direction of the bus, pulling her hoodie over her head. When she got on the bus and put her AirPods in, everyone turned to stare. She took a seat, checked her Instagram, looked up Florence's account, and saw that there were no stories posted. The date, January 3, 2021, was still the same as it was yesterday when she checked her most recent post. She turned off her active status last week and browsed each cast member's page; not a single one had made any posts. She swiped away from the app, going back to her playlist and selecting Stephen Sanchez's "Hey Girl." Y/n walked down the stairs with her head down once the bus came to an end. She proceeded directly to her spot, where she settled into the silver benches to listen to her music and wait for the school day to begin.

Finally, the third period arrived. Y/n continued to listen to music in drama class even though the assignment was to create a creative story and transform it into a script, which was a fairly simple task. However, Y/n found it difficult to focus because she was experiencing anxiety-related sleeplessness every night. She glanced up to see her two classmates laughing and having a great time in class while she sat by herself, going over every possible worst-case scenario. Yes, she has always thought about her family during such times.

She wanted to go for a walk and needed some fresh air, so she shut off the laptop and picked up her water bottle before tears streamed down her face in front of everyone. Her phone went off in her grasp as she was approaching the water bubblers, stopping her progress. She rolled her eyes at the news report notification, but then remembered that she had only turned on the notifications if they had anything to do with Marvel or the cast. Curious to see what all the fuss was about, she swiped up. As she opened the app, another notice appeared. It was just a little paragraph, but as she read it, it got alarming.

News Report -
Breaking News: The directors of Marvel Studios have notified us that they will be taking a break following the passing of actress Y/n Y/l/n. Known as her main character, Hannah Stark. Actors from Marvel have not been as active as they once were. Not only have the cast members stopped posting on social media, according to director reports, but they have also reportedly been turning down projects. Could this be the end for Marvel?

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