The Real Truth

216 13 2

Third POV -

April 23rd 2023

Everyone who made it back home was overjoyed to be reunited with their loved ones and to make up for all the things they had missed. Colin made the decision to host a welcome-home party for the Nine Actors at his home. Scarlett agreed to attend the party even though she wasn't in the mood for it, if only to see everyone. Rose asked the question Scarlett was most afraid to answer when she and Colin were decorating outside.

Rose: "Mum?"

Scarlett: "Yes, sweetheart."

Rose: "Where's Y/n? I thought she might have come home with you. Did she go home with Lizzie or Evans?"

Not willing to reveal to Rose the truth of what actually occurred, Scarlett turned her back on her daughter and swiftly wiped a tiny tear from her face. Instead, she put on a fake smile and turned around, creating a small white lie to hold her over until she was ready to hear the truth. 

Scarlett: "She's with Evans at the moment, Babygirl. Y/n's just so tired and needs some rest."

Rose: "Oh? It's just been sooo long that I wanted to see her again."

To demonstrate how long it had actually been, Rose had to drag it out. As Colin set down the decorations he was holding, Rose bounced along, gathering up the serviettes and arranging them around the table. He approached Scarlett, who was staring off into the distance and completely unaware of his presence.

Colin: "Scar?"

Scarlett: "Mhmm."

Colin: "Where's Y/n?"

Scarlett: "Whatcha talking about?"

Colin: "Come on, you can lie to Rose, you can lie to yourself, but you can't lie to me, and don't think I didn't notice that tear before."

Scarlett: "She's, um, you know..."

Scarlett lifted her head up, looking into Colin's eyes as the memory replayed in her head.

Scarlett: "Stop! Wait, wait, please."

Y/n: "Let me go."

Scarlett: "No, please, no."

Y/n: "It's ok. I love you."

Scarlett: "please!"

She let go... Scarlett saw the one she loved leave her forever.

Tears filled Scarlett's eyes as she broke away from the memories. When Zendaya and Tom's door opened, she gave the streamers back to Colin and went inside. After sprinting up the stairs, Scarlett forcefully closed her bedroom door. When Colin got to the top of the steps, he stopped himself when he saw the two actors standing to the side, their expressions worried. Colin simply lowered his head and exhaled deeply before raising it back up with a warm grin.

Colin: "Welcome, welcome. I'm so glad you guys made it."

Zendaya: "Thank you for inviting us. Is everything okay?"

Colin: "Yes, everything is alright. Scar is simply adjusting to her new surroundings; after five years apart, I believe she is still somewhat traumatised. You know, you get Tom."

Tom: "You have no idea."

Colin: "But she'll be fine. Come in. Come in. You're the first to arrive. I think everyone should be showing up soon."

Rose: "Zendayaaa, Tommm."

Tom: "My goodness, look at how big you have gotten. Aren't you a little tall for a four-year-old?"

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