No, it's Budapest

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Scarlett's POV -

The call ended, and I was left feeling worried. I looked around, and everyone was still fast asleep. I couldn't afford for us to be locked up again. For the third time in a row, I stood up, walked to the control panel, and examined the maps.

Scarlett: "Friday, what's the closest city to land?"

Friday: "We are above Germany. Would Berlin be suitable, Ms. Romanoff?"

Scarlett: "Perfect. Land as soon as possible."

The jet will land a little further away from the city, giving us enough time to gather our belongings and go without being detected.

Scarlett: "Chris, get up."

Evans: "Mhm, are we here yet?"

Scarlett: "Nope, not even close, but unless you want your ass back in the raft, I recommend you get up."

Evans: "What do you mean, Scar?"

Scarlett: "I'll tell you, once everyone else is up, Lizzie, get up. Y/n, come on."

Lizzie: "It's too cold to get up. Please, Scarlett, just one more hour."

Scarlett: "NO! We don't have an hour."

Y/n: "What's going on?"

Scarlett: "Sebastian called and told me that S.H.I.E.L.D. were tracking us down, so we need to get off the plane and out of these suits."

Evans: "Are they ever going to leave us alone?"

Lizzie: "I mean, they were going to leave us alone until Ana. Stephanie came along."

Y/n: "Don't!"

Lizzie: "Just saying."

Scarlett: "Okay, enough. These are the rules. No suits. No weapons, no superpowers."

Lizzie & Y/n: "WHAT!"

Scarlett: "And no shield!"

Evans: "Come on, let me at least bag it up and bring it along; you never know."

Scarlett: "Fine, just make sure it's not obvious, and you both have no powers."

Lizzie & Y/n: "Fine."

I didn't even follow my own rules, even though I should have, but I kept a gun by my side in case somebody tried to barge through. I closed up the jet and jogged up to the others. We were all still wearing our suits. I had a duffel bag wrapped around my chest, containing all of our spare clothing. We can transform and get out of these outfits. Chris decided it was best to carry his enormous shield in a brown leather bag, like a backpack. We all wandered a few blocks, noticing the big towers ahead. We finally made it through the city's overcrowded streets. Finding directions around the place was difficult.

Y/n: "What do we do now?"

Evans: "We need to get a new transport out of here, therefore, let's go talk to an agency."

Y/n: "What's best? Plane, bus? We can't catch a train."

Lizzie: "A boat."

Scarlett: "Actually, Lizzie, that's not a bad idea."

Evans: "That seems easy, but what money do we use? We literally have no money to our names."

Y/n: "In this world, you all seem to forget that my name is Hannah Stark and my father's name is Tony Stark; he has a lot of money, and I might know the credit card information."

Evans: "Ohhh, no."

Lizzie: "Ohhh, yeah."

Y/n: "Here."

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