Once Upon a Dream

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Y/F/T = You're Favourite Teacher
Y/2F/T = You're 2nd Favourite Teacher
Y/FT/N = You're Favourite Teachers name

Lizzie's POV -

I opened the door and stumbled down the hallway, meeting Robbie with a concerned expression on his face. Though it was a little difficult to see, I could immediately imagine how frightened he was. Not just the darkness of the night sky but also the fresh sense of emptiness entered the house. Her absence made everything feel so empty. I had to tell Robbie that she was gone because he knew right away. Even though I didn't tell him how, it was really hard to keep it from him. Though I couldn't think about it at the moment, I didn't want him to put the blame on Scarlett, even though I felt that he should. The only thing that has been relieving my pain is the alcohol I have been consuming for the past two days, but every time I sober up again, the pain will surge through me once more. I was absolutely wasted. All I really wanted to do was go upstairs, go to bed, and forget about it all, but naturally, Robbie had to come in the way.

Robbie: "Lizzie! You need to stop this. Look at you; this isn't you. Drinking away like it's nothing, sleeping for hours—you've stayed in that damn outfit since you've come back for god sake. You need help, ELIZABETH!"

Lizzie: "DON'T!... Yell at me."

Robbie: "I'm just really worried about you, Liz."

Lizzie: "There's nothing to be worried about!"

Robbie: "Drunk, AGAIN! Of course you are."


I pushed him off of me, slowly trying to find my way up the stairs. My head was spinning, and my eyesight wasn't helping one bit.

Robbie: "Wanna hand?"

Lizzie: "I'm fine!"

I tumble over my own feet on the second step as I turn to speak. I was lucky that Robbie was close enough to grab me and carry me the rest of the way up the steps. He is quite charming. He brought me to our bed, where I put my head on his chest. He put me down on the bed and covered me with a big blanket, kicking the door slightly to the side. I laid my head down on the pillow and felt drowsiness creep in. I turn to my side and feel Robbie push my hair to one side while he gives me a goodnight kiss on my forehead as I fall asleep.


I was travelling alone to Sydney to pick up Y/n for the Christmas break. She's been dreaming of a snowy Christmas for years. Y/n has never seen snow in New York, but I told her that we would spend Christmas there when Infinity War was over. Before any paparazzi show up and spoil the surprise, I quickly jump inside the car. She's in school, which I can guarantee will be much better. Even though it's just 11:00, I should be able to make it to her third or fourth period, depending on traffic, as it's an hour's journey from the airport to her school. After parking in front of the building, I go down the stairs and get overwhelmed by how large it is—especially for a public school.I jog over to the office, already getting stares from some of the teachers.

Office Lady: "Hi, can I help you?"

Lizzie: "Hi, I'm here to pick up Y/n Y/l/n."

Office Lady: "Ok, she's in 4th period, Photography with Y/F/T."

Lizzie: "Ok, cool. I was wondering if I was able to go in and grab her, please. It's a surprise she doesn't know I'm here."

Office Lady: "Oh, ok, yeah, that's fine. Just go through the gate, go straight, then turn right. She is in the first classroom."

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