Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

"Lies never get eroded— they are like parasites living on the petals of our thoughts. The more you nourish it, the more it grows. Do you want to know how?

I say one lie, I follow up with another to cover the first one— the chain continues; And then one day will come when there's no backing from the swamp of falsity.

Such is my story with Shyra. I have been lying to her no matter what wrong turn this might take in our lives. I have been assuring her that I would put in place everything for her but I'm not able to. I have been hiding my feelings into the dead-end corner of my heart for her and still behave before the outer world as if everything is normal between us.

I also know a day will come when she will discover why I have been hiding certain real truths from her and she will be extremely hurt. I fear it but still I want to face this confrontation. At least, there won't be anything hidden between us which holds enough reasons for hatred.

Whatever may be left after the mutual confrontation will only be a handful of stolen lies. As I said, lies always exist but after a breathless confession, it freezes it's visibility and vanishes into thin air. It gets stolen somehow. . ."

Shalini wiped her tears after reading the last page of Dhairya's fourth novel. Though Dhairya had written the entire series under the character names of Shyra and Dhruv, but she knew it was solely their story and every word he wrote certainly contained hidden emotions.

Walking to the corner where her luggage was placed, she sat on her knees and immediately fished out a couple of books. As expected, the books contained no covers but only the properly designed titles. 'Stolen smile' was the first ever book that Dhairya had written, followed by 'Stolen Hug' and 'Stolen Promise'.

All she perfectly knew was the significance of each of the books he had written. According to the first book, Dhairya had specifically pointed out at the beauty of her smile during the Shimla trip. She used to be one of the very few children who had found happiness during those camping days.

The second book was all about the comfort he imparted to her by embracing her after her father had left her. It was one of the saddest books she had ever read all her life.

Nevertheless, the third book was also competitive enough to have won her heart for the brilliance in his writing glided her easily on the path of their incomplete love story. With all the promises he had made to her thereafter, despite every indifference that she gave him in every point of their lives— he was still fulfilling all of them religiously.

Surprisingly, the fourth book 'Stolen Lies' contained a few apologies which she didn't fail to notice, including the untold number of lies that he deemed to tell her at some point of time in the future. Truth be told, Shalini possessed the hardcopies of all his books without him knowing anything about it.

Her engagement with her thoughts was intruded by a rapid dash of her door and as if somebody rushed into it. Shalini wrapped her arms around the books resting on her lap and turned around to take a notice of her visitor. Prachi was standing right behind her, her hands folded to her chest and her lips arched into an elegant smile.

"Can you lend me some of the novels you're reading, Shai? I was getting bored in my room." Prachi began, hoping for a positive response from her cousin. "I promise I'll return those to you."

"Though I am not an ardent believer of people's promises, but you ought not to be discouraged by this." She replied before pointing at the single book shelf behind Prachi. "There are some over there which I fetched from Indore. You may take any of them as you like."

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