Chapter 50

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Chapter 50

The Bundelas were inadvertently prepared for the weekend to welcome their guests for the party taking place in the backyard of their farmhouse. As Sanchi, Vidya and Rohini kept themselves busy with the arrangements for lunch, both Shaurya and Dheeraj took the responsibility of cleaning and decorating the lawn.

Prachi and Rehaan were gathered around Vihaan, who was busy learning the skill of using the catapult from Rehaan and ready to spend a gala time together with the entire family. Shalini appeared from the front door and looked around, before hopping over to Shuarya to help him out. Dhairya was nowhere to be found and nobody even bothered for it.

Shaurya was already in a mood of teasing as he initiated the conversation. “It seems someone is very busy in learning how to use a catapult after having to face defeat at the hands of my sister some decades ago.”

It was not difficult for Vihaan to anticipate his words which were directed towards him. “Why is someone scared if I am trying to learn something new? Is it because he’ll have to face a stronger competitor than his dear sister today?”

“A strong oppo-nent doesn’t mean defeat for exp-erts like us.” Sanchi interrupted from somewhere behind them. Her eyes were seethingly hooked on Vihaan. “A strong compe-titor is a guide to better chan-ces of victory since the vete-rans tend to demons-trate the best of their mas-tery in the game.”

Vihaan gasped bitterly, avoiding the furious gaze of his wife. “In any case, both the experts are going to face the poorest of the poor defeat today.”

“Time will suffice the brea-king of someone's heart at this junc-ture.” Sanchi teased back. “Tho-ugh I am not in the habit of throw-ing a challenge to new-comers, but some-one has him-self invited the inevi-table.”

“I am also not in the habit of stepping down from challenges hurled at me.” Vihaan responded slyly. “Being veteran doesn’t provide the license of uninterrupted victories. Newcomers tend to display the best of their acquired experiences to achieve expertise in the new sport.”

Prachi, who was busy observing her parents verbally throwing banters at each other, now interrupted, “Maa and papa, can you both kindly stop quarr-eling and focus on the upcoming event? Aarohi and her family will be arri-ving any time.”

Rehaan took the cue to extend his support to his twin. “Why don’t we put on with the final discussion about the rules of the game?”

Virendra, who was nowhere in sight now appeared at the lawn, duly accompanied by Durga and Dhairya. Both Shalini and Dhairya exchanged happy glances as soon as their eyes met before Dhairya continued following his grandparents towards the other family members standing in the middle of the backyard.

“Being the eldest in the family, I will decide the rules of the game for today.” Virendra proclaimed in a bit louder voice audible to everyone. “Till my friend Abhimanyu arrives at the party, I want every other member of my family to sit back and relax.”

With Virendra’s declaration, most of them shrugged their shoulders while the others went on to get seated in dispersed groups. In less than fifteen minutes, Abhimanyu’s emerging figure caught their eyes, who was being accompanied by Nidhi, Arjun and Karishma.

As soon as Durga saw Karishma, she rose from her seat and extended her arm towards her. Witnessing such a gesture, both Shalini and Prachi moved forward to help them out and bring them to the chairs laid out for the party.

“I am happy that you arrived today, Karishma.” Durga told her. “Vir and I were not sure whether you would accept our invitation.”

“How would I have not visited you today after such a kind gesture from you?” Karishma responded contentedly. “I never had any grudge against you or Vir since we were children. In fact I am ashamed for whatever my son did to your family and for all your sufferings.”

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