Chapter 14 (Blockbuster)

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Chapter 14

The cold wintry night was as silent as a dead wisp, with unseen owls hooting in a distant corner of the Talwar residence. As Prachi retrieved her way back to the Talwar mansion, she was more concerned about the next day. Her plan was to sneak out of the house without getting noticed, give a phone call to Rehaan as her mobile network will be restored out of the premises, and set up a different plot to rescue her grandfather as well as punish the ones who had damaged her beautiful family.

To her surprise, she found Ishaan waiting for her when she reached her room. He was settled down on the couch and his expression seemed to be full of enquiries. She hated the fact of getting caught after coming so near to her success and she couldn't afford to commit any mistake. With a small smile, she greeted him while he frowned his forehead.

"Are you insomniac, Prachi?" He asked as soon as he saw her. "Most of the time I see you moving out of the house at night. Or is there any problem which you wouldn't tell me?"

"You know Ish-aan, I am a music maniac. Some-times I don't feel sleepy as I keep won-dering of many lyrics." Prachi told him in a convincing manner. "Why are you ask-ing me so many ques-tions?"

"Prachi. . ." Ishaan trailed off as he stood up and walked towards her. Bending a little forward, he muttered softly, "We are getting married, aren't we? Don't I possess the right to discuss your problems with you?"

"You. . ." Prachi murmured a soft prayer before answering, "You do. . ."

"So tell me what is bothering you?" Ishaan caught hold of her palm. "It doesn't feel safe to be out at night, Prachi."

Prachi stared into his deep brown eyes which were anxious for her welfare. She knew she had herself fallen into a well full of danger and couldn't figure out how she would manage escaping all by herself.

"Ishaan-" She uttered his name softly, a voice that sounded so empathetic. "I was rea-lly not feeling slee-py."

"You seem to be upset too." He asked her again. "Aren't you happy with the announcement of our marriage? You were the one to agree to it without any word of protest."

She closed her eyes. She was already prepared to face such a question since she was the one who had willingly agreed to the proposal. With some pondering, she let her mouth speak. "I was feeling rest-less with the thoughts of our marr-iage and its prepa-rations. We wouldn't be given eno-ugh time for it. How will we manage every-thing in such a short time?"

"Are you serious about it, Prachi? Do you really want to marry me?" Ishaan said in a confusing tone. "I am afraid your brother will never like it. What about your family? Even they won't agree to it. I wonder why bauji took such a decision and dadima also supported him."

"Look at how good an actor he is! He really wants to convince me that he is the innocent one, knowing nothing about this. If he can frame false stories, I can too." She thought before saying, "It is for our good, Ish-aan. We know each oth-er since we were chil-dren and I think we will toge-ther be able to put up with the unders-tandings of a married life."

"I don't find your justification convincing, Prachi. We were away from each other like for a decade and we seem to know nothing about our past. How can you think this will be possible?" He was perplexed. "Can you really tell me the truth?"

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