Chapter 43

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Chapter 43

<This is a very heartfelt chapter. Hope you will like it.>

Sanchi found it hard to fight the urge to speak to Vihaan due to Rehaan's immature demands. She was fidgeting with her cellphone and glancing at Vihaan's text messages for a number of times when her mind began wandering in the darkness.

Though she was the one who herself forbade Vihaan from talking to her, she was feeling ill-at-ease for not being able to discuss certain matters with him. After all, he was her husband and had every right to know what was going on in her life.

Tears flowed down her eyes for she was not able to consolidate her inescapable feelings for the same. Palpitating, she took the glass of water to her mouth and sipped on it. She could not keep her calm when she remembered Rehaan's words to her. Choosing either of the two was not feasible or any logically sound thing; both her husband and her son were equally important to her.

She threw her mobile away quite disappointingly and leaned against the cold wall. She hadn't eaten anything for the entire day and was not even feeling like it.

To earn Rehaan's forgiveness, she had to give up on Vihaan— the one who was the source of existence of her son. She was at Indore to mend everything and not spoil her relationships further. Rehaan had no idea how her relationship with Vihaan was and he was living under a very vague misconception about his father. The least Sanchi could do was to clear his thoughts and mend the relationship between the father and the son.

Rehaan was already at the doorway, watching the longing pain and restlessness of his mother for her husband. He felt sad seeing Sanchi in such a condition and decided to cheer her up from the same.

Paving his way into the room, he called her. "Mom, what bothers you? You must not feel so low for someone who cares the least for you and hurts you knowingly."

"Rehaan—" Sanchi's dissatisfaction against him was clearly visible when he heard her utter his full name. "No one else in this entire wo-rld has ever cared for me the way yo-ur father alw-ays did and still does. We may qua-rrel, drift apart, or exch-ange heated words, but our bonding can never be bro-ken in this life."

"You mean to say you want to stay with him even after all these." He pointed out. "You were at the doorstep of this bungalow totally drenched and devastated. Your expressions were so hurting and you were running a high-grade fever. If things weren't serious, you would have never left the farmhouse like I did. I was so damned hurt too."

"Sit by me, Ri-hu. Let me tell you every sin-gle thing today." Sanchi tapped the seat adjacent to her on the sofa. "Yo-ur father is not the rea-son why I left home, Rihu. He may be one of the cau-ses for offen-ding me but I came here to sea-rch for the existence of my relation-ship with you. Unl-ess I find it, I'll never gi-ve up on my motherly ple-dge."

"Mom—" He murmured silently. "You know why I am here already. For a decade, I suffered from this misbelief that I have no parents. Feelings of compassion for anyone don't come to me easily, and when it does, it's for the lifetime. Right now, I'm on the least side of this soft corner for my family."

"I kn-ow it, son. You have taken after yo-ur father," Sanchi said solemnly. "When I had met Vih for the ve-ry first time, he used to be more arro-gant than you. Being a blood-shot cop, he posse-ssed least feelings for anyone, inclu-ding his family. We used to often qua-rrel over petty issues, and this runs bet-ween us even to this day. But at the end of every-thing, our love and res-pect for each oth-er never let us har-bour any hatred aga-inst the other."


"And who sa-id you don't have emo-tions or soft corner for any-one?" Sanchi squeezed his shoulder. "Yo-ur love for your sis-ter Pihu is the sole ans-wer to your ques-tion. In order to protect her fr-om the grief of our death, you cho-se to suffer inwardly. Vih was also simi-lar in this aspect, Rihu. To pro-tect me and his family, he often preferred sile-nce and fought his own battle single-handedly. He never let any dan-ger touch us until I inter-fered in every matter of him."

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