Chapter 30

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Chapter 30

Sanchi woke up with the sound of pebble hitting her window pane. Scared, she skimmed her hand on the side of the bed where Vihaan had previously slept. Her heart began to race upon not finding him in his place and she moved out of the bed.

Collecting the torchlight, she walked near the window and unlatched it very carefully to prevent herself from making any noise.

“Who are th-ey?” She murmured softly and shifted the curtain. In the dimly lit garden, she could see two shadows moving about and snuggling closer to each other. When she rightly spotted the shadow of Vihaan, she palpitated as the woman accompanying him was hiding almost behind his towering figure. “Is he plan-ning to surprise me at th-is age?”

Cursing him, she ran down the stairs and reached the backyard within a minute. Vihaan froze in his spot when he heard Sanchi’s shrieking voice and her eyes shooting daggers at him. “Hick- San-chi?”

Prachi had almost stooped lower behind Vihaan, trying to avoid Sanchi in the best way possible. She was holding onto his arms like a puppet and her eyes tightly shut behind his stout posture. Almost whispering, she mumbled to him, “Papa, ple-ase save me from maa, please.”

“I wonder who’s going to save me!” He whispered back to Prachi before turning to Sanchi again. “Haven’t you slept yet, Sanchi?”

Ignoring his question, Sanchi stepped ahead and looked into his eyes. “Who’s the girl you are hid-ing beh-ind you?”

“Oh dear wife, are you doubting me even after our twenty-third marriage anniversary?” He said in a dramatic tone. “Don’t you trust my love for you?”

“Stop with your dram-atic accent, Vih. How do you thi-nk a wife is supposed to react in the mid-dle of the night up-on not finding her hus-band right next to her on the bed only to disco-ver him snuggling a wo-man here in the back-yard?”

“I do only love you, hickory, but-“

“But wh-at, Vih?” She asked again, her hands resting on her hips. “Are you thin-king of replacing me?”

“I am sorry to say, but your place in my heart has already been partially replaced since the time this particular girl came into my life.” He continued, stifling a laugh. “I do love you but I also love this girl. She is as important to me as you and Rihu are.”

“Wh-at do you mean?” Sanchi’s eyes were almost bulging when Prachi made her appearance from behind Vihaan. Her mouth fell open and she almost squeaked, “Pihu? What’s wrong wi-th you? Why were you both try-ing to fool me at this time of the ni-ght?”

“I was just testing your trust on me.” Vihaan continued pretending while Sanchi slammed her palms onto his chest. “You disappointed me, hickory.”


Maa, papa, will you stop quarr-eling?” Prachi was now standing between them, her hands holding tightly onto their wrists. “The moon and the stars are a wit-ness to your relati-onship, my dear parents, which tells me th-at no power in Hea-ven or on Earth can sepa-rate you. Why do you even try?”

“Exp-lain that to yo-ur father, Pihu.”

“Why is that so?” Vihaan frowned annoyingly. “Did you ever find me with another woman?”

As they both continued arguing, Prachi rested her palm against her forehead and screamed, “Will you ta-ke a pause now or shall I leave you to qua-rrel the entire night here under the moon-light?”

Sanchi and Vihaan paused suddenly and exchanged glances with each other. Breaking into a laughter, they threw their arms around Prachi and hugged her.

“You don’t ha-ve to bother, Pihu, we bo-th have alw-ays been like this.” Sanchi told her. “Quarr-eling and arguing with each oth-er have been wri-tten in the brigh-test star of our relati-onship.”

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