Chapter 54

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Chapter 54

Never before had Prachi fallen into such a dilemma. As much as she wanted to protect her brother Rehaan from the wrath of her family, she could not afford to fool them with a lie. Upon being interrogated vigorously by her grandfather, she was inadvertently put under a compelling situation to reveal the truth before everyone.

Sanchi felt her limbs shiver when she heard Prachi speak and rushed to her daughter. "Will you also blame your bro-ther like every-one else, Pihu? I can't believe my son to be invol-ved into such a thing wh-ere he will help a bride esc-ape her own wedding!"

Vihaan was the next in line to intrude into the conversation and said, "Sanchi, didn't you hear Prachi's words? She mentioned that Rihu is in love with Aarohi. Isn't it enough to consider that the decision is made mutually between the two?"

"But Pihu also said that she is not sure whe-ther Rihu is equ-ally in love with Aar-ohi. How can we come to the conclu-sion that our son is invol-ved in this?" Sanchi replied, grabbing his arm. "Vih, we can-not hold Rihu as a scape-goat without listen-ing to his side of the story."

"I can understand your concerns, Sanchi." Vihaan was also in a dilemma similar to Prachi. Glancing back at Prachi, he remarked, "Pihu, can you call Rihu and clarify every misunderstanding now?"

"I will do it right aw-ay, papa."

Prachi rang Rehaan's phone for quite some time, but it refused to answer. With a sheer disappointment, she shook her head in despair. Nidhi came forward soon after and placed her palm on Prachi's shoulder. "I did not expect this from any of you. Why did you all have to hide your love stories from us? We are not your enemies."

Prachi was left with no answer.

"Everyone was aware except us." Arjun was the next one to speak. "But I am more surprised by my father's actions. Despite knowing it, he chose to keep us in the dark."

Both Sanchi and Vihaan did not fail to notice the distressing look spread over Shalini's face as well as Prachi's, who was surely blaming herself for the deed caused. Everyone was accusing her, yet nobody thought of the reason behind such an endeavour.

"I am the only one who upsets everyone." Shalini whispered to Shaurya. "Why did Aaru hide such a decision from me? I considered her to be my best friend."

"Despite being a reckless decision-maker, Aarohi has done something very commendable for you, Shai." Shaurya tried to explain to her. "You must now stop considering yourself to be an unlucky charm for others. I warn you. You must remember that your love for Dhai has overcome every difficulty today to only emerge as a winner."

Sanchi pushed her way through the crowd to reach Nidhi and caught hold of her arms. "Nidhu, I am still unaware of the back-ground story but I pro-mise that I will resolve every-thing and fetch your dau-ghter to you. I only have a req-uest for you. Please stop bla-ming Rihu and Pihu until any-thing is proved agai-nst them."

"I don't want to blame your children, Vanya, no." Nidhi was exasperated. "I am extremely bothered for the well-being of my daughter, and the situation is currently pointing towards your twins."

"In that case, you must remember that Aarohi also betrayed your trust." Vidya came forward in support of Sanchi. "She also chose not to share the story of her feelings for Rihu with you."

"Aaru has taken after my aggressiveness, and her behaviour has always vexed me. For once, I can accept the deed performed by my own daughter but not from Prachi." Nidhi could not help but blame both of them. "What matters the most is the reputation of both the families today. Bundelas will be derogated for the action of their grandson and we for my daughter. Is it gullible for you?"

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