Chapter 47

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Chapter 47

Prachi danced about the drawing room as soon as she received the offer letter of hers joining the police services. She could not believe either her eyes or her fortune that she got her first posting in the district of Khandwa, where the city of Omkareshwar was located.

"Don't be so happy right now, Pihu." Vihaan disrupted her mood of rejoice. "If I hadn't pursued for your initial place of posting with the department, they might have sent you to some faraway land."

Before Prachi could respond to her father, she was already interrupted by Sanchi, who was walking across the room gravely to reach Vihaan.

"So you want to portray your-self as a mytho-logical hero!" Sanchi approached them from somewhere. "You did so because it will also bene-fit you. You can't bear to send your beloved daug-hter away from you."

"The older you grow, the more quarrelsome you become." Vihaan bulged his eyes. "Why can't for once the great Goddess of Honesty speak a couple of lines in her husband's favour?"

"Beca-use the undeserving God of Greek mytho-logy isn't worth it."

"If I was undeserving, why did you dare to choose me as your husband?"

"Because I wan-ted to save the world and the women spe-cies from you. So I chose to sacri-fice myself."

"You have been harbouring such misconceptions against me over the years I barely knew!"

"It's your mis-take that you failed to disco-ver it."

"I will have to tear down the mask you have worn around your face!"

"Dare not you!"

As Sanchi and Vihaan continued with their endless exchange of heated banters, Prachi plugged her ears with her little fingers. "Maa and papa, please S-T-O-P!"

Sanchi and Vihaan would not still listen to her, and Prachi made it necessary to call for her brother Rehaan. "Rihu, wh-ere are you? Come and join me, bro. Help me out, please!"

Rehaan appeared from somewhere as soon as he heard her loud voice. His head began to spin upon hearing the intensity of the quarrels of their parents. He did not know whether he should laugh, cry, sigh or scream, but he knew that he and his sister were supposed to act as mediators.

"Mom and dad, please don't extend the brawl any further. I don't want to lose my family even before getting to live together. I can't see it broken again."

"Now look at this stupid bro-ther of mine!" Prachi was vexed with his behavior. "Why can't you for once think about the better side of relation-ships? Why does breaking up, losing or living apart comes to your mind before any-thing else?"

Rehaan shrugged. "If their arguments escalate, they may get divorced and we will have to live separated. I will go to mom's and you to dad's custody."

"Another one!" Prachi was annoyed. "Divo-rce?? Are you serious?"

"That will never happen." Durga joined the twins from behind. "You both are too young to understand the depth of the relationship of your parents. Even your grandfather and I argue in the same manner as them for the last five decades, yet we are together. So you must be least bothered about your parents and their day-to-day arguments."

"But we should at least try to prevent them from screa-ming at the top of their voices and harm-ing their vocal cords." Prachi was now worried. "Please grandma, do something."

Durga steadied her walking stick and poked Vihaan's back from behind. "Will you now stop bothering my daughter-in-law and pay more attention to my grandchildren?"

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