Chapter 73

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Chapter 73

It was still early evening, and people were chatting, while the patio was illuminated with lots of light. Surrounded by such a festive mood, two figures silently joined the celebration – Aarohi and Ishaan. They proceeded with a certain level of determination, and then seamlessly mingled with the party guests.

Aarohi, so feminine and tender, and Ishaan, so masculine and self-assured, arrived in the patio, nodded at each other and found a corner, far from the noise and commotion, but close enough to watch the fun without much interference.

The curtains pulled and the lights went out, only to be replaced by a single spotlight on the stage. Gradually, the whistles blew off and again Prachi came out of the model of a train where major part was occupied by our Mother Earth. The stage was black and a couple of clutters of old lichens, oases and woods splashed in pieces were noticeable by the audience.

Crouching down on the platform, Prachi pulled her knees to her chest and placed her head on top of them, and the group became quiet. Now the focus was on the right corner of the screen from where a young couple dressed like Sanchi and Vihaan and looking exactly like them appeared from nowhere.

Sanchi pressed her palm into Vihaan's hand as she gasped, "Vih, are they?"

"Tiara and Cyril, again!" Vihaan exclaimed, their joy knowing no bounds. "What a pleasant surprise by our children!"

"You gui-ded our twins to do this, didn't you?"

"They were eager to put in efforts, I only enlightened them." Vihaan chuckled, tucking a lock of her hair behind her ear. "By utilising Tiara and Cyril's experience, our twins' search for the essence of life will be fulfilled tonight."

Cyril intertwined their fingers together as he pulled Tiara by her waist, both of them standing in front of Prachi's reposing figure. Prachi went out of view, and Tiara and Cyril turned their back to the audience. The lights dimmed again, leaving the stage in total darkness.

The light began to glow again, focusing on the projector screen, where a graphic representing the battery percentage was shown. It initially started at zero, and suddenly jumping to 20% when Tiara and Cyril's palms fell on top of Prachi's head. The two of them stood aside, revealing the emerging figure of Prachi, who was now lifting her body slowly upwards, and under their touch, her bottle gown expanded and flung around, filling the stage with her presence.

"My parents brou-ght me into this world, blew life into me, and gifted me with a more beautiful aspect of life— the possi-bilities of endless explorations." Facing the audience, Prachi put her words forward, her eyes sparkling. "New birth also represents hope and rene-wal of the family legacy, bringing with it a fresh perspective of making our family even stro-nger and more united."

Tiara picked the cue as she mumbled from behind Prachi. "New birth is not just about welcoming a new member into our family; it's about nurturing and guiding the next generation, ensuring that our family's values, love and traditions are passed down and cherished."

Shalini's eyes met Dhairya's at the backstage in that quiet moment, feeling the significance of Prachi's words, imagining a future where they too might welcome a new life into their world, adding to the rich tapestry of their family story.

Acknowledging the importance of new birth, both literally and metaphorically, the patio was filled with a warm, reflective silence, the powerful message of family bonding resonating deeply within everyone.

The lights went off again, and the stage was alive with a symphony of sounds, a vibrant arras of noise that captured the energy and spirit of a typical school day. The air was filled with the enthusiastic chatter of students, their voices rising and falling in a cheerful cacophony. When the lights lit up again, the picture of the world on the screen was replaced by the buildings of a school and a playground, reflecting on the next phase of an individual's life.

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