Chapter 28

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Chapter 28

Prachi went off to bed early that night after a good conversation with her father. While she prepared to sleep, she found Aarohi fetching a jug of water for her. With a thankful smile, she summoned her to get seated next to her to which the latter happily complied.

"Aaru, haven't you retu-rned home?" Prachi began the conversation. "But I'm happy th-at you stayed back wi-th us."

"I think I'll not return home for quite a few days." Aarohi stated, reclining into the pillow next to Prachi. "I want to stay with you and your family, and help you with the ongoing battle against Ishu's family."

The sudden mention of Ishaan reminded Prachi of him and she dabbed a lone tear dripping from her right eye. Everything was over between them and she very well knew it, yet her heart was not ready to accept his estrangement.

"I don't wa-nt this dispute to continue any-more but I can't seem to trust Mr. Bhai-rav." Prachi shook her head. "Do you thi-nk it's easy to avoid more of the war and get ba-ck to our normal lives? Wh-at views do you hold abo-ut your uncle?"

"Truly speaking, I have been least concerned about the Talwars since my childhood. I couldn't come to knowing uncle Bhairav more than what generally was required." Aarohi replied sincerely. "Why do you even ask?"

"Not ev-en for Ishaan?" Prachi enquired her. "Weren't you and Ish-aan the best of cousins? How could you get least conce-rned about his fam-ily and him?"

"I wasn't on talking terms with Ishu since you left India." Aarohi wanted to share her pains with Prachi. "If you remember our conflict during the camping times, I was so mad at him for insulting your stammering and— I'm not sure if you really can recall?"

"Of cou-rse I do remember, Aaru." Prachi told her. "We both respe-cted our friendship so much that we alm-ost chose to keep our own bro-thers away. I was also badly piss-ed at Rihu for separating us."

"If it were possible, we could have undone the past, Pihu." Aarohi placed her palm on top of Prachi's. "Let's just move on from the thoughts of the past and focus on the future. We'll surely make the best of our friendship, won't we?"

"Of course we will with-out a doubt. But I won-der where Shai is. She also us-ed to be one of the impo-rtant members of our team."

"After you and uncle Shaurya left India, Shai was very disappointed with her life and family. Eventually, I had become her closest friend. I am almost aware of everything that runs in her life right now." Aarohi narrated every truth to Prachi. "It's as simple as that. Shai must be somewhere sitting in the corner and crying over her unfulfilled love story."

"Are you seri-ous, Aaru?" Prachi's mouth widened as she spoke, "Shai is in love wi-th Dhai bro!"

"And also the vice-versa, my dear." Aarohi wiggled her eyebrows. "Dhai bro is also equally in deep love with her, otherwise which boy on Earth would write an entire series of novels for his dream girl and become popular without any favourable expectations?"

"Things are beco-ming clearer to me now." Prachi rolled her eyes. "That's the rea-son why Shai once refused to part wi-th the books when I'd happ-ened to ask her for it. I think I'll have to concen-trate more on Shai's love story hence-forth."

"I'm so glad to have you with me in this mission of uniting both of them." Aarohi threw her arms around Prachi to which the latter gladly acknowledged. "Shai must never feel that she has nobody standing in her support."

"Oh yes, she won't. I'll pro-tect my cousin wi-th my life." Prachi chuckled before adding, "What about you, Aaru? Ha-ve you also found some-one to fall in love with?"

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