Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

Rehaan clenched his jaws upon seeing Bhairav standing next to the door of the partially lit room. All he tried was to loosen the ropes surrounding his torso and nab the culprit by the collar. Seeing Prachi and Rehaan's pitiful condition, Bhairav could not help but smirk at their helplessness.

"Don't blame my son because he is unaware of it. He is still under the impression that he has handed over your letter to Prachi whereas I am the one who replaced it." As soon as Bhairav confessed the truth, a guilt-ridden Prachi could feel the quickening of her heartbeat. "My son has always been innocent but your generous sister was planning to spoil him which I couldn't allow."

"As if I will believe your words!" Rehaan spat angrily. "My sister can't choose to spoil anyone. Rather she will hurt herself in the process."

"Why don't you ask your sister for what she did? She chose to give in to the marriage proposal with my son." Bhairav was smirking cunningly all the way. "Do you think I would have allowed it?"

"Were-n't you the one who bro-ught in the marriage pro-posal to me first?" Prachi had failed to recognize the sly nature of Bhairav. "And now every-thing is over bet-ween him and me. Please don't exag-gerate on this issue anymore."

"I offered the proposal to you because I needed to get an exposure of your true identity. Once I found out who you were, I decided otherwise." Bhairav was now keenly observing Rehaan's fiery eyes. "Do you think I would have accepted a stuttering girl as my only daughter-in-law?"

"I am not getting what you both are discussing about!" Rehaan warned him. "And you mustn't try insulting Pihu for her speech or else I'll not even think twice before beheading you."

"You must try and think of protecting your head at first." Bhairav cautioned him. "As soon as I achieve my ulterior motives, I'll behead you both."

"Why ha-ve you been do-ing this to our fam-ily?" Prachi demanded next, her voice so pale. "My par-ents didn't have any conn-ection with you, yet you chose to kill th-em. You've also capti-vated my grandpa and have been tor-turing him over the years. You've now captu-red us and will also torture us unfor-tunately. Why don't you reveal wh-at your ulterior moti-ves are and leave our fam-ily to peace?"

"I admit even if you belong to the family of my arch rivals, you are quite sensible than the rest." Bhairav raised his thumb at her. "I'm here to reveal my ulterior motives today. Searching for the rightful owners of the estates of the Bundelas over the years, I've finally arrived at the main purpose."

"I also want to know why you have been doing this and what your illicit reasons are!" Rehaan was enraged. "I want to know why you chose to destroy a beautiful family!"

"I moved out of prison some days ago and had been on the lookout for the rightful owners. I found out that Jitendra Bundela had filed a case to keep the estates with the Bundelas after the court had decided to pass everything to the government in the absence of the claimants. In this legal battle, he was well supported by my uncle Manu because he himself wanted to gain everything in sharing, besides Jitendra. I couldn't help but cause uncle Manu to face a major accident soon after."

"So you were the one behind Abhimanyu Rana's accident that day when we were travelling to Omkareshwar from Indore." Rehaan was taken aback. "You are also behind the abduction of my grandfather, aren't you?"

"You are intelligent enough to realise this." Bhairav muttered slyly. "I will give you time till the evening to motivate each other into signing the legal property papers. Once I receive the documents from my advocate, I'll visit you again and get your signatures on it. Rehaan aka Mr. Rihu's luring me into gaining the estates in exchange for money makes no sense now. You've been revealed already."

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