Chapter 42

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Chapter 42

Rehaan ran the errands while taking great care of a sick Sanchi during the entire day. Her fever, which was recurring scared him, and he was ready to go to any extent to cure his ailing mother.

"Mom, here's a bowl of soup I cooked for you. Hope it will provide you with good nutrition." He kept the bowl on the corner table and sat next to Sanchi, who was lying down on the bed. "You should be fine by the evening."

Sanchi tried to sit upright, and with Rehaan's help she was able to do it. "I will be cured soon, Rihu, not bec-ause my immunity is str-ong but due to the care of my son."

Unable to decide how he should react, Rehaan passed a quick smile followed by a slight nod. "I will help you have the soup."

After feeding Sanchi with the bowl of soup, he advised her not to take shower in the daytime. Instead, he brought some old rags neatly cleaned and handed those over to her.

Tha-nk you, Rihu, I'll try sponge bath-ing today." Sanchi agreed to him. "I will take so-me rest after this."

Nodding, he left the room with the empty bowl and arrived at Dhairya's room. He grabbed the fourth book of STOLEN series from the bookshelf and sat by the balcony to read it. He tried to recall the earlier story he'd already read in the previous three books before proceeding with the next one.

"STOLEN LIES?" He murmured the title to himself. "Has Dhai bro ever lied to Shai?"

Before he began reading the first chapter, he found one quote as usual, written on the starting page.

'Lies never get eroded—they are like parasites living on the petals of our thoughts. The more you nourish it, the more it grows.'

"Oh!" He shook his head before reading the first chapter. He continued reading along at his own pace until he reached the tenth chapter. "So Dhruv has hidden the truth behind Shyra's father's disappearance from her life and he is basically scared how her reaction will be in the near future."

Rehaan set the book aside and rested his palm against his cheek. "But what truth Dhai bro must have hidden from Shai that he's so scared of? Didn't Shai know the reason behind Shay uncle's departure to London?"

Unable to understand, he simply did what he was best doing at, typing the new quote in his mobile draft and pondering whether to send it to Aarohi. He felt a little awkward for sending this quote and deleted it without sending to her.

"Our budding relationship has nothing to do with lies. Our story seems to be progressing smoothly with smile, hug and promise like the titles of the previous books. This quote sounds so much out of context." He kept his mobile on the bed. "Moreover, she was extremely upset yesterday. I shouldn't send anything which may irk her."

By the time Rehaan finished reading the book, it was already evening and he felt tired after a long study. He went back to the kitchen to fetch some snacks and tea for himself when he remembered about Sanchi. He carried the same along with him to the room where Sanchi was and peeped inside.

He saw his mother sprawled out on the sofa and speaking angrily to someone over the phone. Unwillingly overhearing her conversation, Rehaan realized that Vihaan had called her.

"No, Vih, I already indi-cated to you in that letter th-at I wouldn't speak to you. I wa-nt some lone space, don't you under-stand?"

Vihaan said something from the other end which Rehaan could not hear and he shook his head annoyingly.

"I got alre-ady betrayed by you, Vih. Why are you delibe-rately trying to pes-ter me with all your illogical apolo-gies?"

Rehaan ran his fingers through his hair. "What exactly did he do to annoy her so much? Dad must have done something which is very intolerable."

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