Chapter 59

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Chapter 59

The life of cops was both hectic and stressful, which Prachi had ultimately realised at the end of the day. Her heart ached from the thought of Ishaan, whose presence at the hospital had brought chaos to her perturbed mind.

She went to the room of her parents again that night, and sat by the edge of their bed to spend time with them. Vihaan was scribbling something in a notebook while Sanchi was scrolling through her mobile phone. With Prachi's presence, they averted their attention from their respective tasks and glanced at their daughter, whose facial expression did portray tales of misery.

"Some-thing does not feel right, maa and papa. Our Rihu may not be how he sounds these days." Prachi began to narrate about her conversation with him. "Why do I feel he is not at his best now-adays?"

"Weren't you the one who told us that he is not in Indore when his phone was unreachable?" Vihaan frowned in at her. "How did you find the information if his phone was really unreachable?"

Prachi shook her head for her father was once-upon-a-time a more reckless cop than her. She had spoken to Aarohi that evening, who had willingly received her phone call after so many days and informed her of the same. Though the family was yet to discover Rehaan's togetherness with Aarohi, only Prachi was sure that Aarohi must have had the information about him.

"I. . . I actually spoke to Aaru." Prachi blurted out instantly before adding in a shivering voice, "She has been regu-larly in touch with him."

Petrified by Prachi's words, both Sanchi and Vihaan shared a short glimpse with each other, while Prachi lowered her head in shame. Sanchi wrapped her fingers around Prachi and pulled her towards her before asking in a stiffened voice, "Cla-rify it to me, Pihu. Are the claims of uncle Abhi-manyu against Rihu all true? And I don't exp-ect any articulated answer fr-om you this very inst-ance."

"Maa. . ."

"Pihu, I want to hear the tru-th."

"Ma. . ." Prachi's throat was running dry. "I . . ."

"THE TRUTH, Pihu."

Vihaan came to Prachi's rescue this time as he held her in close proximity. "Please Sanchi, you are scaring my child."

"Then you sho-uld try extra-cting the truth from her," Sanchi said, letting her anger subside. "I can't bear to ima-gine that my son would be invol-ved in such a thing!"

"Pihu, you must tell us everything before the situation between the families worsen further." Vihaan held her by her cheeks. "Your father promises to safeguard both his children from the wrath of the families."

"Papa. . ." Prachi said before gathering all her courage to take Sanchi's hand into hers. "Both of you are my strengths and weak-nesses at the same time. I trust in both of you and I know you will do any-thing to make life better for us. But right now, I guess Rihu needs you more than me."

Vihaan threaded his finger through Prachi's hair as he whispered into her ear. "You are not the only one scared of your mother. You must somehow gather courage to tell us everything and we will together share the consequences of Sanchi's temper."

"Papa. . ." Prachi rolled her eyes, feeling easier than before. "It is true that Rihu and Aaru are in a sort of relati-onship, and possessing mutual feelings for each other. But this fact can also not be igno-red that Rihu is not responsible behind Aaru's elope-ment. Only Ish. . . Ishaan is responsible."

Prachi could feel her heart breaking again, which now seemed to have become common with her. Her sentiments used to cry for him inwardly, and unlike her twin, she had her parents closer to her to share the tales of her pain with them.

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