Chapter 2

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Too scared to move and call for help Samarah laid there staring off into space trembling in fear with tears slowly cascading down her cheeks thinking about how bad that could've been and how lucky Sy'lence and her are to get through this without being killed. However, the new intrusive thoughts of multiple men breaking into the apartment now run through her mind along with her many other intrusive thoughts. As well was, angry at the fact that her boyfriend Jhacari didn't even bother to come home at the time, he said he would.

Not unwrapping her arms from her child Samarah sat up slowly due to her now aching back that developed from the hour she spent laying in the tub after the intruders left.

"Momma," Sy'lence whispered now awake writhing around in her mom's arms.

"Yes, baby," Samarah whispered back slowly rising from the tub and stepping out.

Reaching up the little girl wiped the wet tears from her mother's face. As well as adjusting her bonnet just like she does for her. "Don't cry momma," she said watching her mom closely with a worried expression.

"Don't worry momma's got everything under control," the mother whispered caressing the child's cheek.

Kissing her baby's cheek she walks into the room. Glancing around she takes note that nothing was touched and the door of the bedroom was closed. Setting the child on the bed Samarah moves to grab her phone and dial 911.


Finally feeling a sense of security with the police searching the apartment Samarah calls Jhacari. Letting the police examine the living room she moves out of their way and goes toward the hallway that leads to her room.

Unlocking her phone she checks her notifications and Jhacari didn't even respond to the messages she sent telling him she wanted to have dinner as a family. Pressing on his contact she dials his phone number. Putting the phone to her ear she listens as it rings.

"Excuse me can I get by I need to try and get fingerprints from the door," the forensic scientist said softly trying not to startle Samarah.

Giving the woman a small smile she moved out of the way once again. Taking the phone away from her ear she walk back out into the living room and continued toward the kitchen.

Putting the phone back to her ear she heard a voice.


"Jhacari can you please get home I've been," She tried to say but was cut off.

"... if I didn't answer I'm probably hangin with my girls so just leave a message," Jhacari's voice said with the faint giggles of Samarah and Sy'lence in the background then a robotic voice followed instructing you to wait for the beep in order to leave a message.

Upon hearing that the frustrated women hung up and called again, and again, and again. Giving up she decided to leave a message.

Since your dumbass doesn't want to answer your phone all of a sudden I've been trying to call you because the apartment got broken into after me and Sy had dinner by OURSELVES. I'm going to pack some bags so we can stay at a motel or something. Get home please the police are here and you know I don't trust them.

Sending the text she threw her phone on the counter and watched as the police did their jobs.


After 30 minutes of the forensic scientist and police searching the apartment for any signs of a break-in, they finally came to a conclusion.

"Ma'am are you sure there was a break-in," the forensic scientist asked as she packed up her equipment.

"Yes, I was here when it happened," Samarah said.

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