Chapter 35 (NEW CHAPTER)

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following a couple of paces behind Samarah. Cairo followed as well and Souline rubbed her stomach as she waddled after her friend.

"I swear that bit-," Souline started but was cut off when Cairo covered her mouth. 

Cairo knew his wife better than she knew herself, and with that he knew that she could get anyone riled up. 

Samarah was already on one so if souline got her any more riled up then the woman would probably be capable of murder

"move," Souline said, her voice still muffled due to her husband covering her mouth. 

"no," Cairo said calmly. 

"Cairo move"

"Are you gonna be quiet," he asked. 

Staying quiet Souline nodded. 

As soon as Cairo moved his hand the pregnant woman sped up a little bit to catch up with Samarah. 

"If I wasn't pregnant we could've jumped that bitch," she said.

Letting out a sigh Cairo just let her continue talking shit but he already had it made up in his mind that if it went any further he would get her to be quiet. 


Akira, Emanuel, Cairo, and Souline all sat chattering about what they should do. 

Ruby, Souline, and Myka were talking about Gio's doctor came out and told them. 

Zamora sat down in the corner with Sy'lence and Masiah. Talking with them about anything besides Gio and what just happened. 

Down the hall and around the corner Ella stood leaning against the wall as she spoke with someone on the phone. 

"Non fare domande," the woman said angrily, "dimentica quello che ho detto anni fa e ascolta quello che ti dico adesso," she added. (Don't ask any questions. Forget what I said years ago and listen to what I'm telling you now)

"Va bene mamma" (okay mother)

"Non mi importa della ragazza. Ho bisogno che tu ti prenda cura degli uomino. Capisci," she said before handing up and leaning her head against the wall. (I don't care about the girl. I need you to take care of the men. Do you understand?)

Her request was answered with Silence and the only thing she could hear was the man typing. 

"Voglio che sia fatto entro stasera," she demanded before hanging up the phone. (I want it done by tonight)

Many years ago when Ella left Italy, she left behind the life her family had been involved in for generations. 

But someone tried to kill her grandson and she wanted that person to suffer just like Gio was. So she called one of her sons. 

Ella never liked getting involved in anything she was always the one that would sit back and offer comfort. 

But Ella wanted to get involved with this.

She wanted Jhacari to be wiped from existence. 


"You won't be doing anything," a thick accented voice said making all of the chatter stop. 

"Nonna w-," Emanuel spoke up but quickly quieted back down when Ella raised her hand up silently telling him to stop. 

"I've already got it handled," she said calmly as she sat down next to Samarah. 

Everyone looked at each other confused but Ruby knew exactly what she did. 

Everyone thought Ella was just some sweet old lady. But Ruby about Ruby's past and that she still had connections. After all Ella was the daughter of an ex-,  the mother of the current capo, and the grandmother of a soldier. 


Hey loves, 

I feel like I'm lowkey dragging this out lol, but its because I honestly don't want this book to end. Butttt the sooner I finish this book the sooner I can move on to the next book I'm working on. 

So Ella has a crazy side lmao

What do you think will happen next? 

Thank you for reading, 


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