Chapter 14

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Sy'lence leaned into her mom's chest and watched as they shook hands.

Looking up at Giovanni she noticed that his eyes momentarily flickered to her mom's cleavage. Glaring at him Sy'lence wrapped her arms around her mom's neck and laid on her chest. Trying to cover her up.

But not only did he look at her cleavage he also caught sight of the bruises that were sprinkled across her exposed skin. He noticed that they were old and new, which made him clench his jaw. The thought of a man beating on a woman made his body heat up.

Not knowing if they were staying or knowing when the little girl will have time to eat again. Samarah set Sy'lence on the counter before moving back creating distance between her and the intimidating man.

Noticing that Samarah was nervously cracking her fingers and avoiding eye contact. He took that as a sign to back up so he walked toward the refrigerator to grab some milk.

"I'm going to go get in the shower but if you guys need anything just knock," he said grabbing a small cup and pouring the milk in filling it up ¾ of the way. Putting the jug back in the fridge he sat the cup down next to Sy'lence.

"Thank you, Mr. Man," Sy'lence said picking it up with both hands and taking a sip.

"Myka is sleeping in the guest room so she can help you as well," he quickly added seeing her tremble.

She thought that no one else besides Sy'lence and him were there.

Taking a long way around he walked toward his room and shut the door.

Samarah had intently followed his movements and watched the hallway even though she couldn't see him until she heard the door close.

Quickly turning around she leaned onto the counter holding her torso. She had turned too fast and it cause pain to course through her body.

I need to find another ice pack, She thought.


Leaning up against the counter opposite of Sy'lence the woman held an ice pack to her upper torso trying to soothe the pain. She stood quietly watching as her daughter stuffed her face.

When Sy'lence was done eating she grabbed the cup of milk and practically chugged it, no scratch that she practically inhaled it.

Looking up to her mom she held her hands up with a big smile.

"Are you ready to lay down," the woman said moving forward to pick up her child.

Nodding Sy'lence tiredly laid her head on her mom's shoulder. She was ready to go into one of her little "food coma" naps.

"Okay baby let's go lay down," the mother said walking to the room completely forgetting about the dirty plate and glass cup.


After a while, Myka and Akira woke up.

"I know we can go get something to eat you know Gio never has anything good in his kitchen," Akira said putting jacket since it was still cold outside.

"Yeah and he's gonna need to go grocery shopping if Samarah and Sy are gonna be staying here," Myka said laying back onto the pillow and looking up at her girlfriend.

"What do you want to eat," Akira said putting her hair up before turning around to face Myka.

It was about 3 o'clock now and Myka was pretty hungry.

"What about some burgers," the hungry woman asked as her eyes wandered up and down her girlfriend's body.

"Yea I'm up for-," Akira started but stopped when she saw the look on Myka's face, "whatchu lookin at," she asked playfully leaning down to hover over Myka.

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