Chapter 1

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Letting her eyes roam over the pages of her book with ease, twenty-year-old Samarah reads her book while listening to music play off of her phone in the background.

"Mama," Sy'lence called out, wiping her sauce-covered hands on her shirt.

Hearing her daughter's voice, Samarah grabs a sticky note to mark where she is in the book before looking up, "yes baby," she asks Sy'lence so she could continue talking.

"All done," Sy'lence whispered, pointing to her plate.

Without another word, Samarah gets up and places the plate in the kitchen sink before making her way back with a paper towel in her hand. "What movie do you want to watch tonight," she asked, trying to get her child in the talking mood.

"Monster movie" she mumbled wiping her hands on her shirt.

After using the paper towel to wipe the food from Sy'lence's face and hands Samarah lifts her from the booster seat and sets her on her hip.

"Let's get you in the bath then we can watch a monster movie," She said walking toward the bathroom.


The mother and daughter made it to the end of the cartoon movie when a knock was heard at the front door of their apartment.

Grabbing the small remote that laid on the comforter Samarah lowered the volume of the TV. Glancing over her shoulder at her daughter thinking she was still watching the movie but the little girl was sleeping leaning against a pillow with her thumb in her mouth. Leaning over she pulled the bonnet back on her head tucking in the hairs that escaped.

Turning the TV off Samarah got up from the bed and put on an oversized shirt and walked out of the room to see who was at the front door. Getting to the door she looked at the peephole only to see a clear view of her neighbor's door.

It's too late for this.

Turning around Samarah made her way back down the hallway into her bedroom, closing the door behind her. Getting into bed she adjusted her bonnet so it wouldn't fall off while she was sleeping, and right before she closed her eyes she heard a door open. Sitting up she listens closely and quickly realized that it was her front door that was opened.

"Gio controlla ogni stanza," a deep accented voice full of authority said. (Gio check every room)

Getting off the bed Samarah flinches as her feet come in contact with the cold wooden floors. Grabbing a now awake Sy'lence from the bed she sets her on her hip and quietly moves toward the closet. Sliding the mirror door open, her eyes scan over the packed closet looking for the hidden black box where she keeps her valuables hidden. She hid it a couple of months after Sy'lence was born.

Finding it she types in the code 01-15.

The day she found out she was going to be a mom.

Hearing the faint click of it unlocking she opens the heavy lid and pulls out a gun.

Making her way into the cold bathroom she locks the door behind her and climbs in the tub closing the curtain so they are out of sight. With the gun being held tightly in her grasp and Sy'lence sat across her lap facing away from the curtain with her head on her chest and covering her other ear. Now they Sit quietly in the cold dark bathroom waiting for the unexpected.

Silence fills the apartment and only the sound of the ticking clock can be heard. But suddenly light slowly makes its way into the room. The loud sound of the bathroom door's old silver hinges turning makes her let out a muffled cry. Making Sy'lence's head turn to observe what her mom was looking at but only to snap her head back around when she catches sight of the outline of the scary man standing in the bathroom with them.

Looking at the shower curtain Samarah can faintly see the outline of a man standing there facing the tub waiting for her to reveal herself. As he takes a step toward the tub she speaks up.

"My wallet is in the living room and my jewelry box is on the counter by the sink. Take what you want and leave please," she says before going silent once again so she can hear the intruder's movement.

Hearing their shoes connect with the tiles of the bathroom floor she can't tell if he is moving closer or leaving the room.

"Gio è lui lì dentro," a deep voice calls from the living room. (Gio is he in there)

"No, dì al capo che non è qui," the man standing in front of her says. (No, tell boss he isn't here)

The man turns around leaving the bathroom and closes the door making the room dark once again. Upon hearing the men leave the apartment Samarah sets the gun down and wraps her arms around her baby relaxing back into the tub.

God, please send an angel to watch over my baby and I.


(926 words)


Also if y'all are from tiktok let me know.

See yall in the next chapter,



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